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My original plan for this release window was to polish up and convert my accumulated 2022 commissioned poses for you, but every once in a while, when you spot true greatness, you just gotta acknowledge it and make way!

I was browsing the Roomgirl mods thread and came across a huge package of Roomgirl pose files shared by Awpzzggg. When I loaded them up, I was amazed at how dynamic and life-like they were. I reached out to Awpzzggg to ask him about the poses and he said that they are MMD freeze-frames. I noticed that the shoulders have been worked on though, so I am almost certain that he is just being modest. Whether Awpzzggg has an incredible talent for capturing the best frames in animations or if he is secretly a remarkable poser, I am glad that he gave me permission to edit and port his poses to HS and Koi for you.

Many of these poses are likely captured from iconic dances in well-known MVs, but I am not too familiar with the moves myself. As a result of my unfamiliarity, I MAY have ruined some of the authenticity of the poses in my editing process. For this reason, I have included a sub folder containing the original pose data so that you can have a go at adapting the poses yourself!

This pack includes 20 incredibly charismatic poses from Awpzzggg's collection, lovingly recreated for your game of choice by yours truly.

Pose files are located in Freelancer604>Stand Emotive>Awpzzggg. Enjoy!

Next Pose Pack: Commissions 2022
Previous Pose Pack: A Night to Remember 02

Featured HS1 models from left to right: Penny, Luna, Nightingale, Type4-1, Mara

New users, please check the FAQ and Guides post if you feel lost. To download the pose collection, please proceed to the latest post.

More about Awpzzggg:

Awpzzggg is a Chinese content creator for HS2 and Roomgirl. Believe it or not, his main talent is not related to posing at all, but rather the creation of character cards depicting Chinese goddesses clad in jaw-droppingly complex suits of "armor." If you have ever seen outfits for HS2 that have ornate oriental headdresses made of hundreds of individual accessories, then you have likely seen a glimpse of Awpzzggg's incredible handiwork. If you appreciate Awpzzggg's work please send some encouraging words his way. He can be found on the illusion discord. Sadly, despite my asking for a URL and practically begging him to start a patreon, Awpzzggg does not maintain or have interest in creating a western web presence that he would like me to link to.




... wait, those aren't mods? He made those things with accessories? That's insane. He's got a pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/9694723 and I cannot believe that's made with accessories. That's *crazy*