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OK ok, before you pitch fork me, hear me out. 😅 I know "Sword and sorcery" didn't do too well on the theme poll, but I have a lot of cool ideas for sword chick poses and I was dying to get them out to you! Given the relatively low demand, I may not get to revisit this theme often, so I put extra hours into this one to make it a bit of a larger pack. 

Trinity posing regally for a portrait as a knight

The pack will contain a mix of poses for girls with swords ranging from regal to aggressive. The poses look great for group shots and many of the poses will have a variation for dual wielding! I am really proud with how these poses turned out, and they all look absolutely kick-ass from multiple angles. I cannot wait to finish these up and see what you guys come up with.

Even if sword poses are something you never wished for, I am hoping that these will be good enough that you will be glad to have them. After all, many of the assets in the game are made for this. Dress up your favorite character in 'armor' and give them a sword... you may be surprised how cool they look 😲

Theme Poll Review:

Thank you to all who participated in the recent Theme Poll. I have a clearer picture of what you guys are into now and have taken all your feedback under advisement. I am very glad to see that such a large number of you align with my personal top picks of Female model poses and Portraits. 

Going forward, my main focus will still be on model and portrait poses, as that is my main calling, however, roughly ever second month, I will also produce an public 18+ pose pack. 18+ is undeniably a very desired category (and I found that I definitely have fun making them!) Other popular categories such as Girlfriends, couples, dance and bondage poses will also get occasional packs and possibly as exclusive minipacks. 

Thanks again for your participation!

Short-term Road Map Update:

I also have an update for November for you. I do not usually commit to roadmaps, as I find it best to just to go along with whatever inspires me in a given moment, but  for next month, I am reasonably sure of our trajectory. My current plan for November's releases are:

1: Commissioned Poses 02: I have around 30 commissioned pose files that are ready to be converted for use in all 4 games and its about time that I got on that. Its going to be a huge project, but I look forward to finally getting these out to you.

2: A Night to Remember 02: I had quite a few ideas that I did not get around to tackling in September, and its been a while since the last 18+ pack, so here goes.. 




Yeah I figured something like this was the case. You didn't throw in 'hey, how about like... swords' unless you had a clear idea sitting around.