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personally i definitely initially subbed for your tasteful and realistic sfw poses, which i feel is lacking in the hs community (for understandable reason haha), so i love to see anything like that, you're definitely appealing to that niche market! especially your sweet couple poses are amazing to see. anything more with pairs or anything that lends itself to group shots would be awesome imo!


I know you're probably seeing something blow up and going "ah shit what do I make now" but what I've liked so far is there's a lot of passion in what you've made. It feels like you have ideas about particular poses that you want to make and the feelings they want to evoke, and tried your absolute best to make them. I think it'd be hard for people to really guide your heart, especially since we all want different things for different reasons. The sword/sorcery and guns/espionage, in particular, probably mean way different things for different people. I think of sexy sacrifice poses, sexy beaten in combat and staring up at the muscle barbarian that did it poses, sexy ways to look around corners with pistols, and sexy ways of surrendering when snuck up on. This, I imagine, is not most people's train of thought. So I don't think you can really do anything other than follow your passion. The last passionate sex pose thing was really good, HS tends to shy away from too close contact in its normal animations so it can be hard to really nail a feeling of intimacy or overriding passion where the characters are trying to touch each other as many was as possible. But that doesn't mean that I think your output should now only be new fyyuckin' things.


Thanks Weooo, my tastes are pretty broad, and includes the themes you mention. I think that poses are an excellent medium for conveying helplessness and subjugation, so I will explore them from time to time for sure. Whatever I make, though, I promise I will try my best to instill emotion in them. So that even if I put out something that is of a theme someone doesn't particularly love, they may still feel compelled to check it out.