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September is a special month. This month marks the 🎉first anniversary🎉 of our patreon (and coincidentally my birthday as well). Thanks so much to all of you for your continued visitation and patronage. 

To celebrate the occasion, I am going to finally attempt a category of poses that I have always shied away from. I am sure that you know the category I'm talking about. The reason for this is partly due to the fact that sex poses are literally the only thing that the games do not lack. 

The other reason for my hesitation is because I feel that if I were to add poses of this type, their existence can only be justified if they can convey meaningful, strong emotion to the user, as a counter balance to their vulgarity. The deepest longing, adoration, ecstasy, pain and even fear. These are the emotions that I believe would make a sex pose extraordinary and that is what I will strive to create for you. Going forward, I will sprinkle in an 18+ pack here and there.

I have posted preview pics of our first 18+ Pose pack, "A Night to Remember," on my pixiv and on discord due to age restrictions here. See you guys and gals on release day 💖

Featured model: Cindy

Oh while your here, I might as well show you a pic of the HS2 character that I have been working on for this month:

'Faith' was featured in the 'Girlfriends' mini pose pack poster and I have not been able to decide between her black and blonde hair version, so I thought, screw it! I will give you both and you can pretend they are twins or something 😁
