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Whether you want to create your own poses or if you want to modify an existing pose to fit your character or scene, the move controller is the most convenient way to do it (outside of VR). This plugin comes preinstalled with BetterRepack and can also be downloaded from Mikke's blog. This is an admittedly very beginner level tutorial, but for those who have not explored this plugin, it should prove helpful.

The move controller is available for HS, HS2, and Koi. It can be found at the bottom left corner of your studio UI: 

The grey move and rotate boxes will move and rotate your entire selected character. The vertical slider on the side determines the speed/sensitivity:

**Gifs might not animate on mobile, sorry!**

However, the move controller's true utility lies in its ability to quickly modify FK nodes! To modify FK poses you first have to ensure that your character is in FK mode. To do this, select your character, navigate the top left hand menu through anim>kinematics>FK and activate FK. Next, you will need to have "Handles" on:

With FK mode active and handles on, little dots will show up in your character's figure. These are nodes that correspond to your character's joints, and their relative angles to each other is what makes up an FK pose. You can select the node that you want to rotate and then rotate it using the move controller's "FK X,Y,Z" buttons. 

Now here comes the two most important bits: With your mouse cursor on these "FK X,Y,Z" buttons, you can jump to adjacent nodes using your scroll wheel, instead of going to click the individual node. Also, if you hold shift while doing this, you can select multiple adjacent nodes. These two tips combined allow for quicker and more realistic posing:

And there you have it, with the move controller and the knowledge of these essential functions, you are able to modify and create any pose that you can imagine. 

Sincerest thanks to Mikke, for this essential mod, without which, my posing process would take twice as long. 

Featured character: Type4-1 for HS1 




Hello! Thank you very much for the tutorial! I would like to ask you what plugin you are using to achieve "mouse movement across the chest to make the chest shake"


Love your stuff Freelancer! Is there a best animation pose to use as the base for sitting and same for laying? When I started posing I was always using the base standing pose but then noticed that there was a difference when applying a sitting or laying pose because of where it was rotated from. I haven't studied your poses inadeptly so not sure if you use different base animations for different types of sitting or laying positions. Any help with this would be appreciated!


Which game do you pose in? For HS1 you just have to pick one thats least imperfect for the pose you are attempting because it influences the angle of the torso and breast. For HS2 and Koi, I always use the T-pose as the base, and then adjust the center of the pose downwards using FKHeightAdjustUI.


HS2 is what I am posing in. I always wondered why I couldn't do an adjustment like that in FK! Now I know, that should help out tremendously, thank you so much!


I have to query your mind more. I made a post here about it https://www.patreon.com/posts/posing-thoughts-65915962 But none the less I am seeing a pretty big discrepancy in HS2 when using the base animation pose Sitting 1 versus the T-pose with the same Pose Loader saved position. The T-pose I obviously have to use the FKHeightAdjustUI to get to the floor and rotate to match the one that is the Sitting 1 (which needed the animation speed to 0). There appears to be a fairly significant difference in rotation values between the two base poses. The base Sitting 1 is a much cleaner end result at all the joints. I am wondering why you do the two different methods between HS1 to HS2.


As far as I know, there is no FKHeightAdjustUI for HS1, or I just havent looked for it. Ever since I got HS2 I primarily pose in that, because the poses translate better from HS2 to Koi and HS1 rather than the other way around, so that is just the workflow I settled on. The center height that FKHeightAdjustUI modifies is an invisible handle that none of the native tools in studio can adjust. The rotation is linked to the central waist node, so it is best start all of your poses by aligning that node to the correct orientation first. Hope that helps.


Rotating from the central waist node was a huge lesson for me at the start of creating my yoga series, I was confounded why all my rotations were so off cause I was rotating from the base node of the character and made any animation an absolute pain to achieve. From studying your and others poses I figured out it was that I needed to rotate from the central waist node. I hadn't done much at all with the FKHeightAdjustUI till your reply 4 days ago and that further enhanced my poses. Now I am wondering with the FKHeightAdjustUI if there is the ability to move the character forward, back, and side to side without it messing with the base node location? That would further enhance posture matching for animation sequences. I appreciate your knowledge!


Your right, that would basically solve the problem of couple or group pose alignment forever. Orangespork is the wizard to hit up with that suggestion.


This is what I sent and the reply from OrangeSpork, "....When attempting to make an animation in vnge it appears that if you change the bones or the FKHeightAdjust that will translate to all the keyframes. Is there anyway that the FKHeightAdjust can change through an animation sequence on the same character so the origin stays at the same location?" Reply by OrangeSPork = "You can turn on ExportChara_FKHeightAdjust in vnactor.ini, then you'll need to interpolate it in your clip adjusting it to match whatever is going on with the animation."