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Announcement: Conversion of Emotive Poses for HS2 is complete! Get it here. The featured model above, Eve, will be releasing later this week.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: New File Structure

When I started this pose share project I had not planned on regular releases, and so the original "Stand, Seated, Lying" folder setup does not work anymore. The game lists the poses alphabetically, so new "standing" poses can get sandwiched between old ones and its just a pain to navigate. Also, as I cover more themes with my folders, its going to start cluttering your FK>Poses menu. 

To be more organized, and to better share the poses menu real-estate with other pose devs, I have decided to consolidate all of my pose data into the "FK>Pose/Preset>Freelancer604" folder. 

I am sorry to do this to you after already releasing 10 pose packs, but better now than when we hit 50 pose packs. Please re-download the pose packs that you want from the following links and delete all of the old "Userdata>Studio>Pose>FRL - XXXX" folders if you would like to clean up the clutter.  

Apologies again for the inconvenience, but if your into my pose packs, you'll be glad we did this later :P 

Recommended Plugin:

For HS2 users, there is a plugin from OrangeSpork that I would like to bring to your attention.

FKHeightAdjustUI - Have you ever noticed that some FK poses cause your character to float and some others cause them to sink into the ground? 

This is because the center point for each pose is different, depending on the underlying animation that the the pose is built on. I try to pick foundations for each pose that are close to being level with the ground, but its impossible to maintain an even height because the center point is not editable.. until now. 

If you have this plugin, all of my future poses will load level to each other. Just move your character up or down so that their feet touch the ground with one of my poses, then the character's feet will stay firmly planted for each subsequent pose you load. Please note that my old poses have not been updated for this plugin, so for those, it will have no effect (yet). 

Thanks for reading this bland but important wall of text! 



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