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As you read this, I am likely still out of country, but before I left, I made this big pack of emotive poses for you. Originally I called it "every day" poses but I felt like it would be more fitting just to add it to the emotive collection.

What you get with this pack is 25 new various every day poses from a wide range of themes that are meant to help fill gaps in the collection. Some themes covered are teacher poses, shopper poses, cleaning poses, stupid wasp wont go away poses, using a computer poses, as well as some pointing and pondering poses. Oh, and some basic "standing around" poses.

As usual, you will find the emotive poses in the freelancer604>Emotive folder.

This will be the only pose pack releasing this month as opposed to the usual two because I am currently out of the country. To compensate, I have made this pack twice as big. There will be a lack of update and preview posts this month for the same reason. At the time of writing, my main candidate for Aug is that new girl in the poster above. The clothing releases for August is not yet conceived. Apologies for this lack of communication this month. I will pick up and quickly get back on track when I return towards the end of the month.

Next Pose Pack: ??
Previous addition: Kpop Poses 03

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