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I hope you are all feeling as good as I am right now, because summer is upon us baby! We only have a few of these left before the possible AI singularity so make the most of it!

I have much to talk about today so I will cut straight to the chase. Here is what will be discussed:

  • Apology for Enthusiast Members (Regarding Queen of Hearts)

  • Previews

  • Hiatus July 04-26

Apology for Enthusiast Tier Members Regarding Queen of Hearts

First of all, I am sorry enthusiast members. I screwed up the Queen of Hearts release not once, but twice.

Those who downloaded Aria within the first 50 min would have noticed that the incorrect version of the queen of hearts dress was enclosed. In my hurry to correct this mistake, I shipped the Queen of Hearts dress with an early, poorly weighted mesh. This caused all sorts of clipping issues around the bust area. I have since amended the file with the correct mesh. Please redownload and apologies for the inconvenience.

The reason for the mixup: Firstly, lack of sleep. Second, getting the fabric around the bust area to stretch over the gap while also deforming naturally proved very difficult and I went through dozens of iterations. At some point, I must have been distracted by RL stuff and mislabeled a mesh, which is how the incorrect one shipped, instead of the one shown in the preview images.

This chain-screwup really breaks my heart because I spent so much time trying to perfect the dress and I messed up the first impressions with such a silly mistake. I hope you can forgive me!


June 25: Kpop Dance Poses 03

I have been watching a lot of sexy Korean BJ (broadcast jockey) dance videos due to fact that the youtube algorithm knows me too well. I have taken some inspiration from them and distilled them into a new set of dance poses for you.

Jean, Truth, Kelly and Aria pose with the new Kpop poses and In-house attire! 💖

12 new curvy poses will be added this time around. Here are some of the references that inspired this set:


June 28: Worship Exclusive Poses, July 28: Servitude Exclusive Poses

I have not finished making these yet, but the name will hopefully give you a clue as to the contents.

Edit: Drafting for Exclusive 30 is done, here is the poster!

July 15: Kelly + Tube Top 01 Preview

Our girl for July will be Kelly. I tried to make her look korean lol. She will be arriving with a relatively simple, but much needed piece of clothing. A simple tube top. My game may be out of date or something, but I find it baffling that there are no simple tube tops in the game! (The "Tube Top" that comes with the game is ghastly and doesnt count).

In Asia, many girls wear tube tops with a jacket overtop when they go out to the club or drinking with friends, and it is one of my fav looks. The tube top will come with two versions. One will belong to the "Tops" category. It is more voluptuous and is meant to be worn solo. The other is in the "Bottoms" category and is tighter. It is meant to be worn under a jacket:

For the detailing, I went with vertical stitching inspired by Ada Wong's attire in RE4 remake. Vertical stitching emphasizes curves and makes the clothing look extra comfy at the same time! You can play around with the color and gloss siders to create all sorts of looks and fit a wide range of jacket types. There is also a "bling stripe" on the thigh of the dress for some extra visual flare.

As with the Queen of hearts dress, it will be fully colorizable and Hanmen Aniso shaders are recommended.

Hiatus July 05-24

I have some familial obligations that I need to attend to overseas, so I will be gone for three weeks. During this period, I will not be able to complete commissions and will likely not be able to answer your questions and messages.

The fact that I have never missed a release date over the years that I have run this patreon has always been a point of pride for me. However.. It looks like that streak will be broken, as I will be missing the pose pack on the 25th due to my mandatory trip. I will try my best to make the pose pack on the 10th a bit bigger to compensate.

Other content for July will be scheduled and roll out as usual, including:

July 10th: "Everyday" pose pack

July 15th: Kelly + Tube Dress 01

July 28th: Servitude Exclusive Pose Pack

This concludes my update for now! As I work on the content more, I may update this post with more pictures and information instead of spamming you with more posts. Have a great day!




Wonderfull work as usual, and don't worry take your time <3


love you