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Hey everyone! 

This week we're talking about a peculiar little creature from D&D history, the spanner!
This monster is one part bridge, one part guy, and entirely weird. 

Video will be coming in a few days, and don't forget to grab the stat block linked below! 



Matthew Shaw

I'm using this in a Light of Xaryxis game this week. There's a strangely peaceful neighborhood on the Rock of Bral accessible on the surface only by a Spanner bridge. The neighborhood and the Spanner have taken care of each other for generations, ever since the resident wizard (long since passed away) created him as a guard for his little fiefdom. A halfling mage who my party has encountered before discovered the Spanner after it dealt with some of her minions, and took revenge by poisoning the creature. It now weeps toxic mimic blood from its mortar joints into the chasm it bridges, and from there the blood has seeped into cracks and spread throughout the tunnels beneath Bral. The elders of the neighborhood have been doing their best to clean the wounds and stem the flow, so its lasted for nearly a year in its weakened state, but they can't reach the underside of the bridge, and it's no longer able to fulfill its side of their bargain. The party has been hired to track down the source of "illnesses" amongst the crews who work in the tunnels. If they were to inquire deeper, they'd find minor mutations have cropped up among the work crews. Delving into the tunnels themselves, they'll encounter abominations made up of different animals (Brimstone Locusthounds, Glass Gators, Bloom Hydras, Skitterhaunts, etc) that all stem from creatures that crawled through pools of the Spanner's mimic blood that has been weeping from cracks in the walls for months now. I've really enjoyed envisioning this quest, and the party is loving the bonkers encounters that they're having. I reflavored the Skitterhaunt as the mutated giant form of a refugee Kobold Chief's favorite cave beetle pet. He'll reward them with a bag of magic beans if they cure the beetle and return him to his original form. Anyway, hope someone gets some inspiration out of this madness.

Matthew Shaw

Do you have any plans to release token art for monsters?