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Hello everyone!

This week we're taking a look at the harvester devil from D&D 3.5

These monsters are sneaky schemers with an incredibly valuable unique ability. 

The video is dropping Friday at 1:00 PM CT

I'll see ya there!

- DD



Joshua E Winterfeldt

I cannot wait to use this bastard in my current campaign. He's a shoe in for my Ravenloft. Well... SHE is a shoe in. Thanks for this!

Jake Bishop

IRL lawyer DM. One of my players is also an attorney, playing an Infernal tiefling whose mother runs a law firm in the Nine Hells. I am absolutely using this thing on the party. The attorney player/PC is going to end up having to go up against his mom's firm in Infernal court to void the contract, and the rest of the party will have to break into Primus' library to find the cosmic legal treatise the devil is exploiting. Nicely done. 10/10, would sue again.