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Hello everyone! A new fun behind-the-scenes thing I'm going to be doing is posting scripts here! As you know, not a lot of my content is scripted, but when we do these deep dives into Theros lore, that kind of HAS to be scripted to keep everything organized. 

Going forward, I'll be posting my Theros lore scripts here for those who want to give 'em a read. They'll be accessible to all patrons, so check it out if you're interested!

Today I'm dropping the script for our first Theros video, an introduction to Theros lore. 

Here it is: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16JGP300E6qKVU9aHr2MBVj0s_g2uT6VUplw65AC2wpI/edit?usp=sharing


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