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Hey guys! So I apologize immensely for my lack of presence, and I thank you all for sticking by me. This month that I've been away for work, I've been pulling 60 hour work weeks and it has left me with almost no time for doing what I actually want to be doing. That said, the long haul is almost over. I'll be back home in 10 days, and then we'll be back to business as usual. 

In the mean time, here is a link to what I've been working on. It was probably not the smartest idea to take on one of the biggest (literally) Monster of the Week ideas I've had in a long time while I'm so strapped for time, but here we are. I am currently working on the fancy jazzed up stat block for you guys here on patreon, but in the mean time I wanted you to be the first to see what we're looking at. 

So it with great pleaser, I release the kaiju! Not just one monster, but a template for transforming any critter into a literal living breathing titan. I hope you enjoy it, and you can expect the video to be up shortly. For now it's off to the hotel restaurant to grab a burger, and then record this beast of a video.

Much love to you all!

LINK: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kq7Ar2VLVk6a3_BHuvZoUuAg_nRNuft7C6Knfxgebyw/edit?usp=sharing


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