Update - Patreon Pirates (Patreon)
Hey Patrons,
In the last couple of months I have noticed alot of people pledging to me then 1 hour later deleting their pledge. Now I understand that sometimes people decide they dont like my content and move on however I don't think people would pledge if they didn't like the work which I promote on deviantart so people know what to expect, more than likely they are stealing my content. They are coming in pledging, take my content and then delete their pledge, this to me is like a kick in the face and is a problem because I do not get anything from that person if they delete their pledge before the monthly charge date.
So I am deeply annoyed by this to the point that I may have to only put my complete comic books and animations on my Gumroad account which has a stricter pay wall.
I don't want to do that but some people are ruining it for you guys and gals who actually support me on a monthly basis, I won't do anything yet but if the trend continues I may have to take action and I understand I may lose some of you in the process which I respect if you do.
Thanks for reading gang.