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Hey there! Quick update as I'm a little behind schedule.

  • ALL audio requests have been recorded! Just need to be cut and edited! Hopefully I can finish that in the next day or two!

  • Dragon Tummy audio is taking some extra time... Recording stomach sounds is still proving difficult even with 3Dio, might hold off on future tummy audios until I can figure out what works (stethoscope maybe???)

  • There will be a surprise 2nd audio on the way to compensate for the troubles... could be feet related :3

Future Audio Requests: this was a fun challenge to tackle and a great opportunity to learn people's individual tastes/what people enjoy/etc - tho I will be ending the 3.99 audio promo early (but will STILL be honoring anyone else who bought in that period who has not had an audio done yet!) and will be limiting slots on the ember enthusiast tier to 10 people only. This is because I want to be able to give each audio the special attention it needs + also be realistic with my workload and what I am capable of delivering good on without being fatigued! ^^

If you enjoy your audio once it's received and would like to upgrade, please do so while slots are still available to grab :)


Shadow Wolf

Can't wait to see what ya have planned for the feet related audio and audio of the future! I can guarantee that I'll be upgrading my tier for some personal content every month! Keep up the great work ember!