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Hello! Sorry about the weird title, I wasn't sure how to word it. But, essentially, because I can't be concise for the life of me, book 3, the book I've been writing for the last couple of months, will be split into two! Specifically, all chapters as of chapter 203 are part of book 4, meaning that book 3 ended with the pirates floor. 

The reason I'm doing this is simply because book 3 was getting Too Chonky. Specifically, as of the past chapter or so, it has officially reached 200k! This is... a bit much. Especially since I've got a bit left on it, so if the final bit ends up at 20-30k, then this whole book would be almost as big as the first two books combined. Which, as stated, is a bit much. So, we are now on book 4: Fratricide! Yippie! 

As soon as I've posted this I'll fix the posts so they're in the right collection. Oh, and if you're wondering, this little stunt will leave book 3 at 95k, so it's still normal length. The reason it has fewer chapters, aside from simply having a bit less words, is because the chapters are longer. Nothin' else. 

Anyhow, this doesn't really affect much of anything. Not for you at least, and not right now. But in the future... Who knows?

To thank y'all for your patience, I will also post two new chappies in just a bit.

Thanks for reading, and have a good one!


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