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Made with my 3Dio.

Listen to an alternative version of this, with more SFX and layer also made with a different microphone.

Alternative Version: HERE

Thank you to u/TheMagWolf for writing such a beautiful script ❤

Synopsis: The listener awakens in a dark, strange place. He lies spread on a massive circle surrounded by a ring of candles in the middle of endless stretches of still, calm water. Also strange, is that the listener can only look up at their reflection, like a reflection pool, unable/unwilling to move. There is a set of narrow steps starting between the listener's legs, which widen as they descend further down into the water. From the water is where they emerge...

Lossless file is attached.

My Website. 




Is this version longer with extra content? the 3dio version you postet two or three days ago was only 15 min long :)


The 2nd version is longer, the first version just has a longer binaural ending, i also lowered the binaurals as they seemed a bit loud