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Hello everyone, this is the early access post. That means this post will be updated on Sunday instead of a new post being created.

Page 16 is here, I'm opting to do knowledge sharing rather than memory cut and paste for now, I like that more than the characters losing themselves and becoming one another and ending up like a swap might as well never happened. That's my personal taste  for a situation like this, and the original game has plenty of replacement like in the Sandra x John Route. I imagine that the choices will make it into this, but the story is very long and I can't hope to adapt it all in one go. I plan to end it off similar to the previous one, though this should be about twice as long. I do hope meaningful choices pop up so I can run some polls.

This post is just for 'Second Monitor' I'm separating them so that I can just update the posts rather than continually do new posts and spam the timeline.

As always thank you for your continued support and patience!

If you notice any issues please let me know, some weird issues have been happening recently along with some mistakes on my part.

This post is being changed to the tier for 'Second Monitor' 3 day early access. Meaning every Sunday this gets the new page. I'm trying this change out, so 'Plugged in" is 5 day early access and 'Second Monitor' is 3 day early access meaning 'Just a Tab' and "New Windows' gets access to works on Tuesday. 'New Windows' is a tier for access to WIPs and voting. I'm still thinking this over.



Fun-Fun requiem

Really good comic so far and expressions as well, can’t wait to see the rest.