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Hello, the new update is ready. First of all I wanted to thank everyone who wrote a possitive message regarding my recent break up, this was a hard month for me and sadly it was reflected on my last works.

I did a full playthrough of the game and everything worked fine, but as allways there will probably appear new bugs as more people test it. Feel free to report any problem.

I'll try to upload an updated guide as soon as possible in case someone gets lost (these days I have to study a lot so I'll probably post it here on friday/saturday).

-New character: Melany.

-9 new Melany scenes

-New map changes.

-New sounds to the existing scenes (testing sniffing sounds)

-Added all Hannah and Miss Macky scenes to the memory room (each scene gets unlocked once you play it).

-Bug fixes.

SFM v0.02


Thanks to everyone for your kind messages, even though I didn't feel like answering them I read them all and they helped me feel a little better.

I'll try to update Trampling Town and upload SFM V0.01 to other pages as soon as possible, since it takes me a lot to upload a single link and i have to upload at least four for update, many times it is a time that I cannot afford to spend since I literally can't use any other internet device while uploading.



Archbishop of Vainglory

Excuse me! Where do we report any bugs we run into in the game? The game is awesome by the way! Been heavily enjoying it.


The game is pretty grindy having barely progressed after playing 2 hours I just got to the Teacher's 2nd feet scene but I passed second test before that so I get stuck. After the 2nd feet scene I get teleported out into the path of the teacher before unlocking the hole then the game is stuck in the event. I still enjoyed what I did play and you did a really good job it just seems like it takes an unnecessarily long time to unlock scenes.