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Outside the illusion, Han Li nearly burst out laughing. He admitted that he had been a bit unethical.

Although in Tang San's mind, this was his dream, in reality, it wasn't a dream at all. It was a high-level illusion controlled by Han Li.

When he didn't interfere, the plot naturally followed the development of Tang San's subconscious, but when Han Li intervened, the administrator naturally switched from Tang San to him.

If Tang San was in control, the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus in his hand would be genuine and could be detonated.

Unfortunately, the controller had already switched to Han Li, so naturally, the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus had become nothing more than a prop, not even as useful as a firecracker.

He even synchronized control over the Tang Sect elders, who were recreated from Tang San's memories, and employed the highest level of psychological attack—

It seemed the effect was indeed quite good, though it wasn't very friendly to Tang San.

However, Han Li didn't care about his feelings.

"No, it wasn't me who was wrong; it must be the ancient text that was wrong. I followed the craft exactly as described in the text!"

"Hahaha, yes, that's it, it must be!"

Tang San, like someone grasping at a lifeline, burst into mad laughter. He couldn't accept his failure. He was the most talented person in the history of the Tang Sect, both in the past and the future.

"Indeed, Tang Yin was right. You're not only a thief, but also a madman."

Tang Lan looked at the crazed Tang San with a hint of disappointment and shook his head.

"Tang Yin?"

Tang San was stunned. There was no such person in his memory.

"Come here, Tang Yin. Show him what the real Buddha Fury Tang Lotus looks like, so he can finally give up. After today, you will become my disciple and gain access to all the Tang Sect's techniques."

Tang Lan turned and called to an unassuming gray-clad outer disciple not far away.

"Yes, Sect Master."

A somewhat familiar voice sounded as a figure quickly approached, and finally, the one called Tang Yin appeared in front of Tang San.


Tang San couldn't help but blurt out as he saw the familiar face.

"I'm not your father. My name is Tang Yin. Tang San, though we know each other from living together, don't get the wrong idea. We're not that close. Besides, everyone knows you were adopted."

Tang Yin was a bit anxious at Tang San's words. This was an important moment in his life, and he didn't want to be associated with Tang San in any way.

Tang San also realized his mistake after speaking. This was the Tang Sect; how could Tang Hao appear here? Although this Tang Yin looked exactly like Tang Hao, just younger.

"Tang Yin, no need to explain. We all believe you. He's just a madman; no one will think you have anything to do with him."

An elder spoke coldly, his gaze towards Tang San filled with undisguised contempt.

"That's right. Even if there was a connection, he should hate you. After all, if you hadn't exposed this ungrateful traitor, who knows if he might have spread the inner sect's secrets outside."

Another elder stepped forward, looking at Tang Yin with approval, not forgetting to curse Tang San.

"Was it you who reported me to the sect?"

Rage surged in Tang San's heart as he looked at Tang Yin, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

In his previous life, he never knew how he had been exposed. He never expected that in this dream, he would accidentally discover the truth.

In his previous life, he had been deeply engrossed in his research, rarely interacting with other outer disciples, and he hadn't even remembered their names.

Thinking back, it might indeed have been those talentless outer disciples, jealous of his extraordinary gifts, who chose to report him.

And this outer disciple named Tang Yin was very likely the one. Otherwise, why would he dream of such a person?

Perhaps his subconscious was reminding him that Tang Yin was the one who had betrayed him back then.

As for why he looked like Tang Hao, of course, it was because of his deep love for his father and his inability to remember Tang Yin's appearance that caused him to imagine Tang Yin as the person he loved most.

But this didn't matter.

With this thought, Tang San's gaze towards Tang Yin grew even darker.

Even if he could never return, even if this was just an illusory dream, Tang Yin had already walked the path of death.

"What? Do you intend to take action in front of all of us? Do you have the strength? Or do you think you can make us laugh to death with that toy in your hand?"

An elder stepped in front of Tang Yin, looking at Tang San with a sneer.

"Tang Yin, there's no need to be afraid. Just go ahead and demonstrate, let this traitor see clearly what a real Buddha Fury Tang Lotus is, and how you earned the position of personal disciple and might even become the next head of the Tang Sect."

The elder glanced disdainfully at Tang San, then pointed towards the direction of Hell's Peak, signaling Tang Yin to proceed.

"Yes, Elder. Disciple Tang Yin will always remember the sect's nurturing and will one day bring great honor to the Tang Sect."

Tang Yin's face turned bright red, and he spoke with great excitement.

"Good, good! Having you, Tang Yin, is truly a blessing for our Tang Sect!"

"Tang Yin, I have high hopes for you. You will be the hope for the revival of our Tang Sect."


The elders spoke one after another, clearly very pleased with Tang Yin's performance.

Of course, while praising Tang Yin, each of them also glanced at Tang San. However, the emotions in their gazes were completely different.

Tang San didn't care at all, his eyes fixed intently on Tang Yin's movements.

"Elders, please look. This is the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus that I crafted according to the legends of the sect."

Under Tang San's watchful gaze, Tang Yin took out a golden lotus flower from his robe, identical to the one Tang San held, even down to the nearly identical patterns on it.

Tang San stared at one corner of the lotus, his eyes widening. On one petal was a mark different from the others, a mark not required by the crafting process but rather a personal habit of his, a signature of his own.

"You thief! That Buddha Fury Tang Lotus is stolen from me—it even has my mark on it!"

Tang San stood up, pointing angrily at the corner of the lotus flower.

"That's my mark."

He raised the golden lotus in his hand, trying to show everyone.

"What personal mark? I don't see anything."

"Why argue with a madman? I've figured it out—whenever he sees something good, he claims it as his own. If you were to take out a treasure now, he'd probably say it was his creation, and you stole it from him."

"That's right, after all, he's a thief by nature."

"Don't say that. If you keep talking, he might even claim the words you say as his own."

The elders mocked Tang San one after another, and before Tang Yin could even speak, Tang San had already been scolded.

"Tang San, I know you're anxious, but there's no need to rush. This Buddha Fury Tang Lotus I meticulously crafted is nothing like your toy."

Tang Yin finally spoke, but with just one sentence, he defined the entire situation.

"Are you all blind? That's my mark! It's the same one I've used on all the hidden weapons I've made!"

Tang San was angrier than he had ever been before. The truth was right in front of them, yet they pretended not to see it. Not one of them believed him.

Tang Yin was the real thief, the one who had stolen his masterpiece.

"Your mark? Do you have any proof?"

Tang Yin, in contrast, wasn't in a hurry at all. He looked at Tang San with the same expression Tang San had just had when confronting the elders.

"Proof? I presented the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus before you did!"

Tang San wanted nothing more than to tear Tang Yin to pieces.

"Just because you showed it first doesn't mean it's yours. I could say that the toy in your hand is just a failed attempt of mine that you stole and modified, which ended up being a case of overcomplication, making it impossible for you to figure out why it doesn't work."

Tang Yin's righteous expression made him seem credible, and after hearing his words, the elders looked at Tang San with even more disdain.

So that's why, they thought. No wonder the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus in his hand wouldn't explode—it was just a toy.


Tang San was about to explode with anger. He had never been targeted like this before.

"Tang San, I'll demonstrate it just once, so watch carefully. This is the real Buddha Fury Tang Lotus."

Tang Yin, with a clear smirk, tossed the golden lotus flower toward Hell's Peak.

Although the lotus was golden, once thrown, it emitted a red glow.

The red glow, emanating from the center of the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, shone like a ruby.

A soft "ding" sound resonated in everyone's ears.

The explosion of the Buddha Fury Tang Lotus was strange, crisp, and pleasant, like the sound of gold and jade colliding.

But that single crisp sound became the focus of everyone's attention.

At the moment the sound was heard, a golden-red tornado silently spread, enveloping the entire Hell's Peak.

For a moment, even the mountain winds halted, as if giving way for its bloom.


Within the golden-red tornado, the cliff that jutted out from Hell's Peak crumbled and fell into the ravine below.

"Did you see that, Tang San? This is the real Buddha Fury Tang Lotus, and that is its true power."

Tang Yin turned to look at Tang San, unable to hide the smile in his eyes.

"So it was you! Not only did you report me, but you also stole my Buddha Fury Tang Lotus. Tang Yin, you despicable scoundrel!"

Tang San could no longer suppress the fury in his heart and charged at Tang Yin.

Only by killing him could he ease his hatred.

"Impudent! Tang San, you traitor, not only did you steal the sect's martial arts, but now you dare attack the future of the Tang Sect. According to the sect's rules, you have sealed your death!"

Almost at the moment Tang San moved, four elders rushed out from the crowd, immense internal energy flowing from their palms, striking at Tang San's vital points from different directions.

Tang San attempted to dodge using the Ghostly Shadow Perplexing Track, but as elders of the Tang Sect, these men were far more familiar with the technique than he was.

In an instant, one elder was in front of Tang San, grabbed his wrist, and with a slight twist, shattered his entire left arm.

The amplified pain surged through Tang San's brain, causing his entire body to convulse violently.


The anguished screams echoed from the Hell's Peak, carried far away by the howling mountain winds.


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