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Though hiding in the rear, the other Servants never ceased to monitor the battle.

When they saw Astolfo unleash his Noble Phantasm, Casseur de Logistille, rendering the magic projectiles ineffective, they were overjoyed. But when they saw Astolfo gradually approaching the black coffin only to face new obstacles, their hearts tightened.

Thanks to the Archers' Clairvoyance skill, Chiron and Atalanta detected the enemy archers even before Astolfo. They immediately confirmed that the enemy Archer, like them, had archery skills that had reached divine levels. The Caster accompanying him was also highly skilled, and neither were any of the expected opponents such as Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, Semiramis, Karna, or Shakespeare.

Who were they?

Where did Amakusa Shirou Tokisada find such powerful individuals?

These questions didn't hinder the two Archers' reactions. Almost simultaneously, they drew their bows to clear the way for Astolfo.

Just before the arrows were released, Jeanne used her privilege to find the answer.

Her kilometer-scale perception revealed they were Servants. Although the distance was too great to activate her True Name Discernment skill, by referring to the panel recording basic information of all Servants, she could identify them as two of the newly appeared five Servants.

The panel still showed the status of the five Servants as dead, suggesting some special method was used to borrow their powers.

Upon hearing this explanation and speculation, Achilles was immediately infuriated.

"These bastards don't even spare dead heroes! I want to kill them right now. Hey, Ruler, it's our time to fight yet?"

"Wait a bit longer, it's not time yet."

"When will it be time then...?"

"When eight of the eleven cannons are aimed at Rider. It's six now... seven... eight. It seems Red Assassin is more impatient than I thought. Go now, Red Rider, Achilles."


A powerful light burst under the dark sky.

It was a torrent of surging magic power, exploding from within a bird-shaped golem.

Amidst the piercing neighs, a silver chariot pulled by two undead horses soared into the sky, carrying their comrades.

"Son of Peleus, Achilles is here! Assyrian witch, come and meet your end!"

"Don't shout, how rude. Did your sea-goddess mother and your teacher never teach you manners?"

Semiramis wasn't someone to take insults quietly, and she retorted through magic.

"Manners are for friends, not enemies. For a witch like you, the best way is to pierce your throat with a spear so you can't speak anymore."

"Just you?"

The remaining three black coffins shifted direction, launching a barrage of anti-army projectiles at the speeding undead chariot.

"I'm not the only one who wants to kill you."

As Achilles laughed heartily, holy light flashed above his head.

In the knife-like cold wind, the holy flag fluttered violently. Standing not inside the chariot but on the back of the divine horses, the girl was nothing short of majestic.

In this Holy Grail War, only one Servant could withstand the overpowered magic bullets with their body: Jeanne d'Arc.

She did not belong to any of the seven classes but stood alone as an absolute adjudicator.

However, in Semiramis' words, she was known as—

"A rude country girl."

Jeanne, who was continuously deflecting the magic bullets with her holy flag, ignored the enemy's insult and calmly sent her voice out.

"Where is Amakusa Shirou Tokisada?"

"Master is making the final preparations. If you don't hurry, the world will be destroyed."

"Does he want to destroy the world?"

Jeanne confirmed one last time.

"Whether he does or not, I don't care. If you want to stop Master, come and catch up. Of course... that's if you can break through our defenses!"

Before the words finished, a sun rose in the aerial garden.

Before the battle, Shirou had informed her of the enemy's hidden trump cards, including the holy flag and the magic book. Thus, when the magic bullets were first blocked, she immediately notified Karna.

Celebrated in the oldest Indian epic, the Mahabharata, Karna stood at the pinnacle of human history. With the vast magical support of the Great Holy Grail, this son of the sun god had become the undisputed strongest blade.

Unlike Semiramis, who thrived on schemes and exuded malice and coldness, Karna's magic was filled with an overwhelming heat that stirred the heart.

Unconcerned about magical energy consumption, he freely unleashed the flames of the sun, illuminating the entire night sky with his radiant brilliance.

"—I regret to say, but you'll have to fall."

With a single hand, he spun his divine spear, effortlessly deflecting the arrows attacking from the side. Then, propelled by the flames of the sun, he surged towards Astolfo's Hippogriff at a speed surpassing light bullets.

Even while accelerating, he didn't forget to glance at Chiron, who had launched the sniping attack. This glance itself was the release of a Noble Phantasm.

"Equipment is inadequate. A true hero kills with a stare! Brahmastra!"

"Not good!"

Achilles' expression changed. With magic bullets in front and Brahma's light from the side, he had no time to dodge while at full speed. Whether being hit from either side, his undead chariot would be finished.

"It's okay."

Jeanne infused power into her hands and loudly called out the true name of her Noble Phantasm.

"Oh flag of mine, protect our comrades! Luminosité Eternelle!!!!"

This was a flag blessed by God, a flag that had gathered countless beliefs.

"As long as the saint waves the flag, we will not be defeated."

The simple and pure belief of the soldiers, spread worldwide as Jeanne's fame grew, ultimately manifested as the saint's inherent Noble Phantasm.

And that stance of holding the flag and resisting—

It resembled someone who fought against all the evils of the world.

It also resembled someone who opposed a falling star.

It resembled all those who, with their insignificant human bodies, opposed "that" before them.

Embracing dignity, will, love, anger, or some other belief, even when facing overwhelming violence capable of slaughtering thousands, humans still possess the courage to rise and resist, surpassing fear.

As long as this belief doesn't collapse, as long as the flag flies high, as long as the saint hasn't fallen, neither overpowered magic bullets, nor Brahma's light, nor any other form of violence can shake this protection.

This is Jeanne d'Arc, born in an era of declining mystery, yet still able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the greatest heroes of the mythological age.


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