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alright y'all, I apologize for the lack of communication as of recent. I've actually been more burned out than I realized, I'm only just starting to have fun again after like 7 months of feeling lost with art (except that animation, that was fun.)
that being said I'm going to try to get this page back up to where it once was with the monthly polls and everything. I have a massive list of ideas that's ever growing that I plan to get through as soon as I finish up some practices to get all my skills back in check.
as for last month's PSD files, I'm going to combine them with this months because there were only a few from last month anyways. work's been kickin my ass this month I apologize D;

I appreciate your patience more than I can express, truthfully, and your support means so much. I can't thank  you all enough <3



Take your time! The real ones will still be here when you get back up and running