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Hello everyone,
Thank you all for your support during the past few months! It's safe to say this patreon has been a big success!
For the sketch requests, I currently have over 60 people in the queue awaiting their sketches. In order to prevent this queue from growing too much, I will be unpublishing the Sketch Request tier temporarily. Those of you currently in it will remain in that tier, but it will just not accept new patrons at that level until I reopen it. Those who already have a request slot, feel free to drop down to the $3 or $1 tier while you wait for your sketch (or stay if you are feeling charitable and are not financially burdened by it 😅). Everyone who has commented "Request" in the "sketch request collection" post has been entered into the queue. I will DM you once your turn is coming up!

Let me know if you have any questions!



I knew that your Patreon will be so successful congratulations


Ty for the update!


I will continue to pay 6 tier because I still love my Harley request 😉


I’d never feel burdened supporting one of my favorite SSBBW artists (as well as one I admit helped awaken this kink in me!)


Art is priceless, especially the ones you make

James Bevan

Perfectly understandable. We don't want you to get overwhelmed