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Hello all!

I've decided on a bit of a change moving forward that will hopefully be mutually beneficial to myself and all my patrons.

For the Sketch Requests, starting in December, I will simply start a queue for sketches from all my Sketch Tier patrons. On December 1st, 12pm PST, I will make a post to "collect" requests, and this queue will be ongoing, rolling over month to month. Instead of doing 15 per month and having you all unfairly compete for a slot, I will simply do a handful of requests each month (maybe like 5), slowly going down the queue as the months go by. This way everyone in the Sketch tier will be able to get a sketch eventually! The details will be on the forthcoming December 1st post.
In addition to the sketches, in lieu of doing so many per month, I will also try to post a timed exclusive comic strip per month, which my 2 higher tiered patron levels will have access to. These comics may be Jenny Weng related or something new. I may post these comics publicly a few months after, if that is ok.

Hopefully this new arrangement will allow everyone in the sketch tier to get a drawing from me, and also allow me time to work on my own projects & comic.
Let me know if you have any questions!

Thank you all for your support!



Will the run off from November be rolled over or would we have to post in the collect pool?

James Bevan

Sounds like a good system. Hope it makes things easier for you.

Leon Franco

Sounds good. I can wait I’m patient lol


Sounds good to me! Hopefully this new system will allow you more time to focus on your own personal projects, which is important for every artist.


Do you put in the details for your request in the comment?


Sounds like a good plan!


No, you will just write a word or number to take your place in the queue. I will DM you to ask for the details of the request once I get to you

Mighty Halberd

Thanks for the update, I was planning to up my subscription to sketch tier ^^


Asking on the behalf of a friend here, could they simply go to the $6 tier for next month, and then go to a lower tier for sub frequent months as they wait for their turn in the queue? Mostly asking for a friend who wants to join to get a request, but doesn't think they can do $6 for long. Another question, would people who have gotten requests before go into the new longer, ongoing queue, just later in line?