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Here are a few details/limitations on the sketch requests you can make:
- I will have 15 request slots per month, and will start taking them on the 1st of each month! How many slots remain will be updated below!


- Only one character per request (if possible provide reference images). If another character is obscured (like in a squashing scene) it may be ok to include more than one character.
- OCs are ok, as long as you provide references
- No violent or gory content (includes anything involving death; vore is ok if it is not bloody)
- No extreme toilet related content (i.e. scat/vomit)
- No underage (i.e. under age 18) characters or people
- No animal/furry characters, blueberry expansion, balloon inflation, gigantic blob bodies (sorry, it's just not my thing)
- No political content

There may be other restrictions I'm not thinking of. If anything else objectionable to me comes up, I'll let you know.
Note that these sketch requests will be very simple in form and may not always have clean lines. More often than not, they will look like the images under my "sketch" tag, to give you an idea of the end result.