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A group of humans has captured you and placed you in a glass prison as they run various tests on you and your body. You've waited long enough; today is the day you break free from their grasp... and eat a few snacks along the way.

Fun fact: Good snake-slithering sound effects are really hard to find! So I had to get a little creative with it. Please enjoy the last vore audio of the year! Thank you so much for your continued support, you've made my year an amazing one! I'll see you in 2023!

(You can listen to the disposal version here.)



You could have this lead into a very strange rebirth thing where the two doctors awaken as lamia with us holding them


Another amazing one. So nice ways of using a sound like a rattlesnake to display movement and the constriction was done perfectly

Algie II

Your work is so creative and well done!! Thank you for everything, and happy new year to you and all your fans. :)


The Lamia She has destroyed her cage Yes YES The lamia is out