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Caring Mother:

“Oohh! I’m so proud! My baby’s all grown up!”

“You’re finally going out on your very own Pokémon journey...”

“I-I know, I promised I wouldn’t cry, but—oh, it’s just so much!”

“You be careful out there, though.”

“Some trainers play for keeps, if you catch my drift. But I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time, too!”

“But I know I’ve got nothing to worry about. You’ve got Pichu to help protect you, after all!”

“Well, alright then. Don’t let me keep you. You go out there and make your mom proud!”

“Goodbye! And you should come visit every now and then! I want to see all the cute Pokémon you catch!”


Ruthless Pokémon Trainer:

“You should really watch where you step. There’s wild Pokémon in the grass everywhere...”

“Yeah, like I said. Watch where you’re going.”

“Oooh~ You’re a trainer, hehe~”

“Good. So am I. You know what that means, don’tcha?”

“Yeah, it’s time to battle.”

“Go, Charizard!”

“Go on, don’t be shy. Let’s see your Pokémon.”

“Wh- AHahahaha! Are you serious?!”

“What a lame-ass Pokémon. And you call yourself a Trainer.”

“That attack barely did anything.”

“Let me show you how real Pokémon fight.”

“Charizard, Fire Blast!”


“Please tell me you have more Pokémon.”

“Just the one...? How disappointing.”

“Alright, fork over your cash.”

“No money, eh? Big mistake, my friend...”

“Guess I’ll have to play for keeps.”

“Charizard, restrain them.”

‘Ohh, have mercy! Oh, please don’t hurt me!’ Just shut up.”

“That pathetic squirming is only making me hungrier~”

“Hehe, I’m actually drooling~”

“Don’t worry, friend, it’ll all be over soon~”

<Swallowing & Digestion>

“Mmm~ Very sweet...tender...with a hint of saltiness~”

“Oh! That’s a refreshing aftertaste~”

Yeah, that’s it~ Keep squirming in there~ Feels nice~”

“Sorry to cut your journey short, but you shouldn’t have become a Pokémon Trainer if you weren’t prepared to face the consequences of losing~”

“You would’ve been better off stocking the shelves at a Poké Mart. I guess your only job now is to be my lunch~”

“I’ll be taking your Pichu. It’s better off in my hands anyway. Hopefully it evolves soon.”

“Hmmm... I guess I should camp out here until this one is fully digested.”

“Charizard, give me a belly rub, please. It’d rather not get indigestion from this loser.”

“Mmmm~ That’s it...nice and smooth~”

“Mmm~ tasty~”

“I can already tell there’s not gonna be any good competition in these parts. I should just turn back around and head into the city, nab myself some street food.”

“Although... maybe I should stick around and try more of the local cuisine~”

“Hey, try to add to my tits once you’re fully digested, ‘kay? A big set of jugs is gonna really help intimidate my opponents. It’ll let them know exactly what happens to Trainers who end up losing to me~”

“Heh, that’s rich. As if you could ever escape. Your struggling is even weaker than your Pokémon’s attacks.”

“I can barely feel a thing aside from the churns of my stomach, slowly grinding you into a mushy soup.”

“Again with the pleading? I’m trying to enjoy my lunch. I could do without the pathetic whining.”

“Fine. If you won’t shut up, I’ll just wait for my stomach to shut you up for me~”

“That’s enough, Charizard. I think they’ve finally settled in~”

“Yyyyup! Hehe, they’re definitely gone, alright~”

“C’mon, let’s see if we can buy anything useful from this backwater town.”

“Mmm...like, maybe something for heartburn...”

<Post digestion>

“It’s a bit early for a morning routine but—hey, what the... are you kidding me?!”

“Wow, did you really have to go exclusively to padding out my ass?

“Ugh, whatever. I can still work with this.”


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