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H: “Hey!”

H: “Psst, hey…wake up!”

H: “Shhh shh! Not so loud! I don’t think we’re alone.”

H: “The last thing I remember, I was hiking in the middle of the woods, and then I got lifted off the ground and sucked up into a huge beam of light, and then I blacked out!”

H: “Seriously, what the hell is going on here?”

H: “Abducted? By…aliens?”

H: “One alien?”

H: “Wait how, do you know that?”

H: “An experiment? Experiment for what?”

“Good morning Subject 7!” (Chipper)

H: “AHh! What the shit?! Holy fuck!”

H: “It’s a…an actual alien!?”

“Ah, I see you met your cellmate. Well er, temporary cellmate.”

H: “Oh my god…this is real…” (Whispering to herself)

“I collected another batch of humans but I ran out of space in food storage.”

H: “Wait, can you understand that thing?”

“Don’t mind me, I just came here to get some breakfast~.”

H: “What’s it saying? Why is it looking at me like that?” (Worried)

“I’ve been craving some freshly caught human since the moment I woke up.”

H: “AHH! Put me down! What are you- AHH! No no no wait wait! Ahhhhhhh!” (Realizes she’s about to be eaten)

“Ahh~” (Opening mouth)

Vore happens

“Mmmm…” (Loving the taste)


“Oh yeah~ I really needed that.”

Smacking lips on fingers

Satisfied sigh

H: “No…no, no, no, no, oh my god!”

H: “Help! Help me please!”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Were you hoping you’d have another human to keep you company?”

“Sorry, I can’t really do that. Not now at least, not unless it’s part of a test.”

“At ease, Subject 7. There are no experiments scheduled for you today. Consider today our day-off, as it were.”


“ You can just relax and play with some of the enrichment tools I gave you.”

“Ah! I see you solved the Hykrazial scholar cube puzzle! Not bad! Perhaps your species is more intelligent than I initially thought!”

“Heh, well I can always crank up the difficulty setting if you want something a bit more challenging.”

“I’ll see you later then, human. Make sure you eat something too, I need you to stay healthy and strong!”

[Alien exits room]

[A few seconds pass]

[Alien re-enters]

“Oh right! I almost forgot, I meant to give you the tour today!”

“Er- no, not the tour of my digestive system, the tour of my Glaxor!”

“Hm? Oh, did that come out as gibberish?”

“How about ‘space ship’, do you understand that?”

“Ah, good, yes, I’m going to give you a tour of my space ship!”

“Come along, Subject 7! No need to be scared!”

“Here we are in the main hallway. Every section of the ship connects to here. It loops around in a circle.”

“Where we just came from is the lab, and this room over to the left is…”

[Door opens]

“...the health and wellness center, featuring the upside down pool. I come here to exercise and maintain a healthy physique. Swimming helps me work off a lot of the excess body mass my new diet has given me.”


“Over here, we have the ship’s kitchen and dining area.”

“Yes, I’m sure it does look a bit different from what you’re used to on your home planet, especially since the furniture is made for creatures that are much bigger than you.”

“Oh, oh, look at this!”

[Shakes a box of cereal]

“I picked this up on my last trip to Earth. It’s breakfast flakes…or whatever they’re called. I thought you might be getting tired of the nutrition paste you’ve been eating, so I got some authentic human food for you!”

“You’re welcome! I’m glad you like it.”

“Oh, you eat it with milk? Well that’s fine, you can just use some of my milk!”

“Ah, wait, it might be poisonous to you…”

[Subject 7 wanders over to the door leading to the human storage unit]

“Oh uh, don’t go back there...hehe…uh, authorized personnel only. Let’s continue on with the tour, shall we?”

“Here are my personal quarters. Cozy, isn’t it? It’s got a nice view too.”

“You can see all the countless stars out there, all waiting to be explored.”

“What? Oh this?”

“Heh, this what’s known as a ‘photograph’”

“I believe you have those on your home planet as well, yes?”

 “Yes, that’s me right there, back when I graduated from the federal space academy.”

“Aww, look at my little antennas, they were so short back then, hehe.”

“Oh, and that’s my father right there. This was from before my mother ate him, of course.”


“Oahh…Mmm~” (Pleased, momentarily giving herself a belly rub)

[Beast footsteps approaching]

“Is that noise what I think it is?”

“Fia! Come here, girl! Come here!” (Beckoning her pet)

“Ohhh~ That’s a good girl~” (Petting)

“This is my pet, she’s a Malopsi from planet Yisnbuo.”

“Hey, don’t you growl at the human.”

“Yes, that’s it. Good girl.”

“It’s alright, she just needs to get used to you. Maybe reach out, try to pet her.”

“Aww, I think she likes you.”

[Beast suddenly swallows the human whole]

“Wh- Hey! Bad girl!”

“No! Bad girl! Very bad!”

“Spit them out right now!”

“Riiight now!”

[Subject 7 is spit out]

“Oh my stars, are you okay?”

“I’m sorry about that, I should have expected she’d have that reaction, considering how tasty humans are.”

“You’re lucky she’s so well trained, she’s able to digest her prey even faster than I can!”

“Don’t move, I’ve got you.”

“I’ll just scoop you up…”

“Let’s get you over to the rinsing station. Sorry about that, she can be a real trouble maker sometimes, hehe...”

“You’re still in one piece though, and that’s what’s important.”

“I’ll have to be sure to not leave you two alone in the same room, or set up the ship’s computer to alert me whenever she decides to swallow you.”

“Why yes, I figured that since…well, I feel like since you are my primary test subject we could build a mutual trust. I’m keeping you in the containment cell for the time being, but eventually I hope you can be conditioned to freely wander the ship at your leisure. My theory being that your psychological state will change once you’re given more space to roam around.”

“Please confirm if you understand, Subject 7.”

“Ah, good. That’s what I was hoping to hear.”


“Here, you can get rinsed off here.”

“Oh, sure, yeah I won’t look if you don’t want me to. Although if it changes anything, I will remind you that I have already seen you naked multiple times.”

“Okay, if you insist.”

“I’ll just leave some spare clothes right here for you while I go check on Fia.”


[Alien exits]

[Subject 7 showers]

A: “Hey! …hey!”

A: “Human! Don’t freak out…stay calm…”

O: “You’re freaking them out.”

A: “I am not! Look at them, they’re…I don’t know, I can’t read that expression.”

A: “Listen, we don’t have much time. Can you understand me?”

A: “Good, so you already have the translator microbes. That saves us some time.”

A: “”My name is Aga and this is Oom.”

A: “We’re activists from the super secret Human Liberation Front.”

O: “Please keep your voice down.”

A: “We’re trying to free you, we opened up a portal not far from here and we need to get out quickly so we can expose the Hujkits and their lies to the galactic court!.”

O: “You have to trust us, we’re probably the only hope for your species.”

A: “The Hujkits only ever think about filling their stomachs. The only creatures in the galaxy more gluttonous are the Flarmarian War Beasts of Draxis 9!”

O: “They’re trying to turn you all into livestock. They did the same thing to our ancestors long ago. Because of them it took us thousands of years to be recognized in galactic society as more than just common food.”

A: “And that’s why we have to stop them before it’s too late for the people of your planet!”

O: “We should get a move on, are you coming or not?”

A: “Wait, do you know where the other humans are being kept?”

A: “If you can lead us there, then that would be great! Come on, let’s go!”

O: “Are you sure about this? We can’t stay hidden forever, she’s going to find us if we linger too long.”

A: “We can’t turn our backs on any humans who are still trapped here. If we free them, I'm sure we can win just by outnumbering her”

O: “Oh wow, is this the dining hall?”

A: “Figures, of course the containment zone is connected to here. Ugh, makes me sick.”

[Alert Blares]

O: “I think she knows we’re here.”

A: “Quick! We gotta get outta here!”

“Well well well, what do you have here?”

A: Startled noise

“A pair of intruders on my ship...”

O: “Alright, you caught us trespassing, but care to explain what you and all the other vessels in orbit are doing with illegally abducted humans?!”

A: “We know what you’re up to, carnivore! You’re going down as soon as this gets leaked to the public!

“First of all, I’m an omnivore. Second of all, you really should have researched the Galactic Code of Conduct before coming here. We’re not doing anything illegal, we’re simply…trying to figure out if humans are an intelligent prey species worthy of being added into the Galactic Union or…well…food.”

A: “They built a civilization! How is that not evidence enough!?”

Sigh “I won’t negotiate with lifeforms classified as food.”

A: “Classified as food?! What are you talking about?” (Worried)

O: “You can’t eat us, we’re a protected species.”

Clears throat "In accordance with article 99, section 4 of the Galactic Code of Conduct, any individual identified as an intruder upon Federal Space Exploration Vessels hereby waives their rights to citizenship status. Furthermore, by entering the designated food center of the vessel, such intruders shall be deemed as non-sentient entities and may be lawfully classified as sustenance, thereby permitting the crew to utilize them as food without legal or ethical repercussions."

O: “Well shit.”

A: “Run!”

[Alien shoots the two intruders and Subject 7 with a stun gun]

A: “Ack!”

O: “GNh!”

O: “A stun gun? Seriously?”

“A scientist of my caliber is always prepared~”

A: “No! Get away from me!”

A: “Put me down!”

“Ahhh~” (opening mouth)

“Have mercy! MMohhmmph!!” (Muffled as she is swallowed)

Vore happens


A: “Ohhh gross! What is this stuff!? Are these bones!?”

O: Sigh “Somehow I knew something like this would happen.”

O: “Go on, get it over with.”

“With pleasure~”

Vore happens


“Mmm…hehe. Another added to the meat pile~” (Satisfied)

[Alien slowly walks toward Subject 7]

“As for you…” (Menacing)

“I think you have some explaining to do.”

“Did you really…really just try to escape with some random lifeforms you just met?”

“I’ve been nice. I’ve been kind. I thought we were becoming friends!”

“You’ve been very naughty~”

“Ohh~ Are you scared? You think I’m going to eat you? Heh…”

“Maybe I should.”

“Maybe I should let you churn and boil away in my hot, sweltering guts, until you become raw nutrients for my body to absorb.”


“I’m always hungry for more…”

Sigh “You’re sorry?”

“Hmm…I don’t know if I can forgive you just yet, but it’s a start.”

“I suppose I’ll have to come up with some other way to punish you.”

“Ah, I know. I think I’ll sit on you. So you can feel the weight of your actions crashing down upon you.”

[Alien sits on Subject 7]

“Mmph…there. Now stay still and think about what you did…and try not to suffocate.”


“Unbelievable. Now I have to figure out how they even got on the ship to begin with.”

“Computer, do a full scan of the vessel and eliminate all abnormalities not currently contained in my stomach.”

“Thank you.”

A: “Can we at least call for backup?”

O: “I already tried! I can’t get a hold of anyone!”

A: “Is the signal being jammed?”

O: “No, but it’s like…there’s no one there to answer,”

A: “Damn it! This mission is a complete failure!”

O: “You don't have to remind me. It's been obvious for a while now.”

A: “I can’t be digested! This can’t be happening!”

O: “It’s happening alright. The sooner you accept it, the easier this will be for the both of us.”

O: Sigh

[Time passes, digestion continues]

A: I’m feeling…dizzy…”

O: Can’t…hold on…for much longer…”

[Alien finally stops sitting on Subject 7]

“Hopefully you learned something from that.”

“Don’t say anything. I don’t want to talk right now.”

“I’m taking you back to your cell. Maybe I’ll feel better tomorrow once I’ve stuffed myself all over again. Eating always makes me feel better…”


“Phew…that takes care of those two pests.”


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