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More pokemon? More Furry stuff?
More improvement on my shading? Better line work?
More weirder stuff? Perspective?
Couple drawings? Less of my sona?

I really wanna know if there is something I could improve on or that I'm missing. 



More furry fatty stuff

redd x2

not sure if anyone brought this up yet but one thing i would absolutely love to see is you learning to animate. wholesome or otherwise, even just animated sketches or flats would be legendary and i'd love to see you put your own spin on it!


Uhh, uhmmm... very large tummy


I would really like to see more action poses, you do a really nice job when you draw them :) Running, jumping, fighting, whatever. Other things that would appeal to me specifically would be cute SFW stuff, slim/fit girls, huge boobs... Since you suggested "perspective", it would be nice to see you give perspective work a try, it's good to challenge oneself. Maybe mix it with the action stuff too.