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She is very tall, doubling Dew's size.
She has all the powers of an enderman, but is not harmed by water. Rather, water makes her extremely irritated and is unable to focus and and unable to teleport herself or objects.
She is just as strong as an enderman and can "mark" things allowing her to safely teleport them through the end dimension without them taking any harm or repercussions.

She is very docile for the most part and is not angered from being stared at. Rather she likes being looked at but due to being an enderman variant is very rarely looked at. She enjoys fruit mostly, apples and berries. Due to her cat subspecies, she also loves fish and other meats. 

She likes Dew's company the most due to his kind gift (the purple scarf she wears) and having someone that will look at her in the eyes. She has all the affection of a cat and clings to him. Sitting in his lap, sleeping in his bed, rubbing against him. She has also marked him so if she wants to teleport him she can do so without harming him. 



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