RPG May (HR) (Patreon)
2022-08-06 20:44:17
May is a brute fighter class.
She uses two hammers, one massive warhammer and a smaller war hammer for throwing and tighter spaces. She is completely capable in using her hands to screw someone up. Noisy way is the best way
She tends to do missions with anyone up for some extra muscle (and doesn't mind a little sarcasm and fun in there missions). Otherwise she may do some missions solo and or help with some labor jobs in the area.
May's preferred dungeon partners are
Mai, Carrots, and Ally
Mai is fantastic for just going no rules, big fun, all smash. ATK Up
Carrots keeps May out of bad spots and a good sneaky partner. CRIT Up
Ally, rare to have on the team, is pretty easy going and covers range. MAG Up