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Val's full first name is Valentine.

Val really likes DD and can be pretty forward about, she likes getting things that are orange and black to match DD's raboot look. Even when DD gets a set of clothes she wants to get a set for herself to look the part. 

DD is normally attacked for his weird connection to ghost types so dark types tend to want to end him to bring in lingering souls. Val on the other hand is less then thrilled to see DD in such a state, he did save her life and asked for nothing in return. Which is what stems her to stop at nothing to protect and be with DD, that being said DD collapsing can make Val have a mental break down, though normally quick to fight she completely crumbles at the sight. As soon as DD is fine though its game on and the unlucky fool that hurt DD is going to get the worst of it.

DD patches up Val a lot. Shes always throwing herself into danger, she doesn't mind though seeing DD well is everything. DD doesn't really let his emotions come out very often but after his first meeting with Val, abandoned, unconscious, and barely clinging to life, seeing her banged up gives him flashes.

DD's not much for dating, bad break up, ever since been closed off and unwilling to date anyone. Val isn't a push over though. With a simple misunderstanding, Val's feelings are now on the floor and shes gonna do her best to break that shell, even if she has a to be a bit aggressive about it. Bland, serious, and with a touch of caring seems to be her type but may also be she grew quite the crush on the guy that freely saved her life and asked for nothing in return. 




I love this Lopunny