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Val being good at her job and DD being a Raboot instead of a Cinderace because I think it will be cuter. 

DD normally treats them all to donuts, Olivia and Val both really like them. Val does her best to protect DD, her care comes from DD's kindness to her and a I wanna know you in more ways then one kind of place. DD and Olivia found Val bruised and bleeding. DD patched her up, gave her a place to sleep, and nursed Val for 4 days till she was moving on all cylinders again (He knows basic medical treatment), she greatly appreciated the act of kindness and is stuck to him like glue. 

Val says she never fought before but she has a crazy amount of skill in a fight, might not want to tell DD and Olivia the full truth. 




DAMN she got one hell of a punch


This is absolutely adorable! I love how smol he is~ and that top right pic oh gosh~