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May is the winner of the January Poll vote. 

(Main doodle and alt) 

Loona is the runner up of the poll.

(Main doodle) $300 Goal Reach (+alt)

If you have a suggestion for either one put there name (Either Loona or May) with your suggestion. 



Could we get something between Dart and May? Those two haven't been together in a doodle in a while and I loved the chemistry they had!


I might do a doodle with Dew and May instead. Dart has his deal with Nea and back then Dart was my sona so might be best to use Dew for it.


makes sense, I'm just happy to see May back! she got kinda swept away in the excitement of the new girls and at least personally I miss seeing as often as was the norm a while ago. Not that I don't love the others I just don't like seeing characters get left behind.


May is one of my favorites she was the one that actually got me started in getting noticed. People knew me as the lucario guy for how much I drew May but after all the excitement with new gals like yah said she kind of got swept under the rug. Be good to draw her again gonna try and really knock it out of the park.


May attempting to sit on top of Dew, but he's doing his best to keep her held up.


May should probably have one of those entrances kind of poses as to say "hey it's been a while" or something glamourous as for loona I'm honestly just curious how u would draw her period so go nuts


Oh, have Loona wear the new outfit that's been showing up from the show. Plaid shirt with the sleeves torn off, black skirt with a red outline on the bottom of it, and black crop top. Maybe have her angry at someone while in that outfit.