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Alright if you have anyone in mind that'd you'd like for the monthly poll. Leave a comment down below or I'll just come up with some candidates myself 


Fake Ebby

How about the Exo Stranger from Destiny. I know how much we all love robot waifus uwu


Ohohohoho I really like that one, I'll be real, I love the Stranger. She looked awesome the moment I saw her in D1 when I first played. Waifu material in my book.

Fake Ebby

She’s one of my top 3 waifu I’ve been waiting for a commission of her but haven’t had any luck yet


On the same vein as Stranger why Ada-1


Your zoroark Nea 👀


This poll could be all robots


Hmmm Ada-1 and the exo stranger already suggested how about Ana Bray, keep the Destiny suggestions rolling