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On a dark night in an abandoned mansion, a girl explores the place as if it were an adventure, her name is Emily, a cheerful and somewhat immature girl who was just looking for some adventure.

The moment she arrived at the attic she found a chest of a peculiar dark shine covered in dust and cobwebs, as it was something that stood out above all, she made the decision to open the chest, without imagining the consequences.

At the moment of lifting the lid, a thick dark fog emerges from its interior, at the same time enveloping Emily like a snake. Once the shadow completely enveloped Emily, it began to forcefully enter Emily's mouth. Although Emily tried to resist, it was totally useless, the fog had already entered enough to begin to dissolve inside her.

At first Emily felt a small tingling in her stomach, which the tingling began to spread around her body, to the point that the tingling became so intense that it only caused her pain, she felt that her clothes were becoming tight along with some strange crunching and stretching noises, she tried to look at herself, it seemed that her limbs began to lengthen, then a wave of pleasure and softness began to concentrate on her chest and waist, Emily began to get excited by the pain, something strange for her, making his mind a little degenerate.

“This feels good…” those were her last words before she began to scream and moan, with each breath her breasts began to swell and grow causing her yellow blouse to become so tight that it looked like clothing. inside of her. The same thing happened on her bottom with each stroke of pain her legs stretched, her hips expanded and her butt enlarged, her shores broke showing her childish underwear.

As the last details, her bright blonde hair began to darken to a purple tone, and at the same time not only her nails began to grow, but makeup began to appear on her face, once her hair changed into a wavy purple, the feelings, childish thoughts and his stupid curiosity were gone, only lust, dominance, maturity and power remained.

Emily opened her eyes slowly, as if she had woken up from a pleasant nap, her eyes reflected seduction and darkness, she was satisfactorily contemplating her new shape of her voluptuous body, Emily began to show a small smile of satisfaction, something sinister, not because of her body. Only, it seems that he is planning something sinister and lustful.

From that day on, the old mansion came to life with the whispers of the new witch that resided inside it.


En una oscura noche en una abandonada mansión, una chica explora el lugar como si fuese una aventura, su nombre es Emily una alegre chica y algo inmadura que solo buscaba algo de aventura.

en el momento que llego a ático encontró un cofre de un peculiar brillo oscuro cubierta de polvo y telarañas, como era algo que destacaba ante todo, tomo la decisión de abrir el cofre, sin imaginar las consecuencias.

En el momento de levantar la tapa una espesa niebla oscura surge de su interior, a la vez envolviendo a Emily como su fuese una serpiente, una vez que la sombre envolviese por completo a Emily, comenzó a entrar por la boca de Emily de manera forzada, a pesar que Emily intento resistirse era totalmente inútil la niebla ya había entrado lo suficiente para comenzar a diluirse en su interior.

Al principio Emily sentía un pequeños hormigueos en su estómago, la cual el hormigueo comenzó a expandirse alrededor del cuerpo, al punto de que el hormigueo se volvió tan intenso que solo le provocaba dolor, ella sentía que su ropa se estaba volviendo ajustada junto a unos extraños ruidos de crujido y estiramientos, ella intento mirarse así misma, tal parece que sus extremidades comenzaron a alargarse, luego una ola de placer y suavidad comenzó a concentrarse en su pecho y cinturas, Emily comenzó a excitarse por el dolor algo raro para ella, volviendo su mente un poco degenerada.

“esto se siente bien…” esas fueron sus ultimas palabra antes de comenzar a gritar y gemir, con cada respiración sus pechos comenzaban a hincharse y a crecer provocando que su blusa amarilla quedara tan ajustada que parecía ropa interior. Los mismo ocurría en su parte inferior con cada golpe de dolor sus piernas estiraban, sus caderas se expandían y su trasero se agrandaba, sus shores se rompieron mostrando su infantil ropa interior.

Como últimos detalles su cabello de rubio brillante comenzaba a oscurecerse a un tono morado, y a la vez le comenzaba no solo a crecer las uñas, sino que le comenzó aparecer maquillaje en su rostro, una vez que su cabello cambiase en una purpura ondulado los sentimientos, pensamientos infantiles y su estúpida curiosidad se habían ido, solo quedaba lujuria, dominancia, madures y poder.

Emily abrió los ojos lentamente, como si hubiese despertado de una placentera siesta, sus ojos reflejaban seducción y oscuridad, estaba contemplando su nueva forma satisfactoriamente de su voluptuoso cuerpo, Emily comenzó a mostrar una pequeña sonrisa de satisfacción, algo siniestra, no por su cuerpo solamente, tal parece que esta planeando algo siniestro y lujurioso.

Desde aquel día, la antigua mansión cobró vida con los susurros de la nueva bruja que residía en su interior.



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