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I talked about this on stream but I'm not sure I ever made a text patreon post to keep everyone updated, so appologies on that.

ISP Troubles:

Mediacom checked it out and it turns out a box that was supposed to have 4 separate lines for four separate houses had 3 of 4 sockets burn out and was splitting one line across four houses. That was causing the issue and best Im' aware should be all cleared up now. Haven't streamed much due to being very busy this last month, but the Yoshi and kriby streams should be coming back soon.

ISP Goal:

We met the $60 goal, which roughly approximates my ISP packge's cost. I contacted my ISP about an upgrade, but since I upgraded once between starting this Patreon, I was already at the highest ISP tier and can't get any faster.

(it was actually cheaper to upgrade by the way...call your ISP every year or two and see if any offers are availible. The Retention line is very helpful)

Sneak Peek:

Asuming I can record it, this might be happening in the near future: 



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