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Featuring fan art by @CremexButter!

 We did our first Patron Board Game Night, and it went great!  Even though SOMEONE kept trying to mug a certain mouse.  Here's the VODs for those who missed or just want to watch!

Saturday's stream

Sunday's stream

What Went Well

I feel like the game was a great pick since everyone was able to hop in with fairly minimal confusion as to the rules. The game was very relaxed allowing lots of conversation between call-in members, and interaction completely through voice (people telling me what action to take for their "team") worked just fine.

In fact, it worked so well I'm sure sure what other game would even work so well (but feel free to suggest others!), so the next few streams at the least are likely to be more Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival. If you're one of those who gave into the online hate about the game, try watching one of the streams to see how chill and successful it really was!

Teaming up made the game work very smoothly even though the number of players didn't map to the number of amiibo.

Also, it was very fun to unlock the new costumes for the amiibo we were using (to use for future streams). In future streams I'll plan to prioritize amiibo we have less costumes for to keep the fun of unlocks as frequent as possible.

What Didn't Go Well

Well, the major issue was Mediacom, my ISP, which really crapped the bed especially the second day. I'm having them look at the house again (this is the dozenth time in the last 12 months).

The only other particular issue was a bit of confusion as to when we were starting, what exactly we were doing, and Sunday's stream had a lot of no-shows. I hoped lots more EU region people could show up due to the earlier time, but instead we just ended up with all the American side being cranky or literally asleep.

Future Streams

So, for future streams I'm thinking a set, regular time and game planned out ahead of time. Tentatively I'm thinking we'll plan these streams for the first Saturday of the month at 6PM CST (the time I usually start all my streams).

This makes the next stream Saturday September 1st. That's a link to the stream, to get a go-live notification and see a countdown. MAke sure you're in the discord if you want to participate!

This way the call in stream reward is sort of timed near the Parker pictures one, and everyone knows when to expect it and when to show up. I'm having internet issues at the moment and have paused my current streams, but I should certainly hope a month is more than enough time to get the issues fixed.

Also, I made a separate voice chat channel in my Discord just for the stream call ins; it's called Patron Stream Chat, and anyone can connect to it to listen (since the livestream is public anyway), but only Patrons can talk. This way even if Mediacom happens, discord members can hear the chat in slightly more realtime.

The old Patron-only chat still exists, and is still patron-only to listen to, so if you're shy, don't worry, that one's still private. If we ever do unlisted patron-only streams I don't publish publicly, we might chat in there instead.


Patreon Board Game Night! (1) | Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival

Patreon: https://patreon.com/sirtaptap Chat rules: Be chill, be a human, easy on the memes. No whining about what's being played. Missed a stream? They're all archived here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlxZek2EIxkmX8rsI4vaIoJw79rejHd_I You can support me just by buying Humble bundles with my affiliate link! https://www.humblebundle.com/?partner=SirTapTap My Discord server: https://sirtaptap.com/discord/ Sponsor me on YoutubeGaming to support me and get perks! https://gaming.youtube.com/sirtaptap/live?pli=1&action=sponsor


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