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For a while I've been meaning to upgrade my rewards to more thoroughly work into all I do rather than just YouTube, but it seems I've missed a rather obvious addition that I just went and added today:

$10 "Accredited Backer" tier members will now get their names in a special section in my highly popular AbyssRium guide in addition to the end card on my videos.

Put Your Name On It

Here's how that section looks now with my current Accredited Backers. I can make your name a link to Twitter/whatever you like as well, just message me!:

As a refresher, here's what the video end cards currently look like:

Of course if there's any reason you do not want to be credited on one place or the other, need a name change, or have any questions, just send me a message on Patreon.

I may potentially expand this reward to something on all guides or a custom addendum on all posts on SirTapTap.com or something, but at the moment the AbyssRium guide gets about 100x the views of any other single piece of content (40,000 this week for the AbyssRium guide, 400 for the Axiom Verge guide for example), so at present this is 99% the same as being on everything for 1% the work.

Thanks Again

As always, thank you all so much, and it's nice to have all the new patreons from this and last month! We're so close to that $100 goal! To be honest, I wasn't sure I'd get anything when I started the Patreon, so this past hear has been very heartening♥


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