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What? did you think you got rid of me? it's time for the weekly report! before we get to that, you still have a chance to vote until September 10th... but I'm considering adding 7-14 days more, I'll explain why in a bit.

The details for each option are listed here

The poll itself is here

So. I'm deep into this cops/robbers theme I started last week. I got the police station scene ready (two scenes, with two different cops. You'll know when the update gets released) and I thought what would happen if you refuse the cop's errrr... petitions and let them add to your criminal record? At first, I thought about leaving it like that and proceeding to other things... but then I thought about why not add a prison sequence. This sequence was planned for later... but screw it, I'm beginning it now. I spent two days designing it, and now I have a clear idea of what's gonna happen there.

It's the infamous North Hampton Penitentiary (people who played Garrett's dark ending know the place). The idea is to have a large sequence, from the intake process to the duration of the sentence (it may get from measly 2 days to 28 days. If you get your criminal record beyond that... game over. This is not GTA), and the release. You need to survive using your fighting, social and other "naughty" skills to make it to the release day. There you'll meet a whole new cast of nasty characters, between inmates and guards, each one with their own plans for you. Play your cards right, and you'll raise your crime skill easily, along with chances to raise all your other skills (including the naughty ones). Your cellmate will play a big role in this, so you'll need to gain his trust. Quick, or you'll be in trouble soon.

I'm gonna need one or two extra weeks to implement what I have planned for the prison. I know, it's not ideal. I still want to release the update in September but bear with me, the wait will be worth it. Meanwhile, I'll see if I can extend the poll (I'm new to Patreon, so I hope I can modify it).

I'll keep you updated guys. I can't wait to show you this update. Well, back to the cell.... errrr.... cave. See ya next week.

Rafster out.


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