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Hello guys!

First I apologize deeply for the radio silence this month. I've been sick the last few weeks, and one of my secondary HDDs (where I store backups of the game, along with resources and tutorials and all my documents) began to fail last week (You know, a warning when my PC was booting). Took some days to buy a small HDD for an emergency replacement, and even after that, the transfer was painful, transferring 10 GB from the old damaged drive to the new one took almost 12 hours.

But I'm back, ready to deliver the final part of the update. The last fight of the update isn't working so well, so I'm still testing it, but I estimate another update by the end of next week. Stay tuned, because the bad "ending" of this task with Logan, is a full-fledged ending with an entire sex scene. This is an experiment that I intend to repeat on the other two storylines too later.

Take care, and you'll have news next week.




So sorry to hear that you've been sick! And that you had the hardware issue with your drive. Hopefully smooth sailing from here on both fronts! And very, very excited to see the bad endings you've got cooked up for the different routes 👀


Yeah. It's not a "bad" ending per se, it's simply a full-fledged ending. Usually , I don't like bad endings sex scenes, I feel them like prizes for playing bad. But sometimes they make sense