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This pair of manchu shoes were made temporarily for the palace maid series. Just because palace maids can't wear flower pot sole shoes!

But there are no suitable flat shoes to use. Because the soles of the flat shoes worn by palace maids still have a certain thickness and a special shape.

The soles of these shapes are called "ingot shoes" because they look exactly like ingots.

Because the palace maid's shoes seen in the historical photos seem to be black shoes (the black and white photos can't really see anything), so I made them black.

And there is almost no embroidery, especially plain. Maybe the high-end palace maids will have some small and inconspicuous elegant embroidery?

But there is so little information on this that it is impossible to know.

Maybe I'll add a few more styles in the future!

In addition to palace maids, some children and the elderly will also wear ingot shoes!

After all, flower pot shoes and horseshoe shoes are too high! Children and the elderly will probably fall to death if they wear them...

Therefore, in addition to becoming shorter due to old age, the other reason for the elderly is that the shoes become thinner...

Hope you like it!



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