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Hi guys,

Hope you're all good.

Sorry for the absence of post, but a lot of things happen's let's say that in order :

- I'm piss of delivers few content each 2 weeks

- I have to gain money for.. Life. 

Until now, I invested a lot (time and monney) in this game, and I want to finish it (at least the main quest). But I need to live to. So I changed my process, I work on the game when I have enough money to pay the artist and to continue my life. Until now a lot of change have been realised to the game and I want to add more.

proof by the image below, I not stopped the game. Thanks for your patience and support mates. 

News and maybe update soon.





The game is good, I hope you will finish it. I'll keep my fingers crossed!


Courage, Billy, la France est fière de toi, tu es notre poulain, notre french touch un peu plus littérale et tu porte avec panache l'éten[dard] de notre nation jusqu'autour du gland de ces putains de yankee. Tu vas le faire, mon con !


XD, merci mec. Ça fait toujours du bien de recevoir des encouragements de français :) Oui le jeu n'avance pas vite, mais j'ai la rage de lui apporter une fin !