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Hey guys. Over the past few I have run into a bit of problem with Patreon and as such we might not continue with the archive format much longer. 

That said, it would be kinda sad to have this page be kinda barren so I have decided on a most ambitious plan to recruit a whole bunch of artists to try and fill this gap. I'll explain more about that later. 

For now I'd like to hear about any and all TG transformation ideas you guys have/want because I am personally bankrupt on ideas from already working with many projects on my own as it is.  I need to give these new artists something new to chew on, so this is where you guys can help with this...

I can't say that I will pick each and everyone of them, but if there are crowd favorites and other hot ideas in the bunch that'd be great.



So in other words Patreon is going against artist to freely express themselves. Why am I not surprised. I might as well give up on Patreon if they keep doing this shit.

Brendan Theriault

well, my 2 fav characters in SAO are Silica and Yuuki, id love too see some sort of TG with them, maybe in a similar style to the kirito-leafa one or maybe using a FF14 reference with the phantasia. besides that... im not sure if we have gotten anything from Re:Zero or Rising Of Shield Hero so those could be neat as well and both have magic in world so that could be used as a story point. tbh i just wanna see more neko TG at some point hence silica lol (raphy from Shield hero would be epic as well, maybe like the MC gets one of the slave crests and it turns em into her?)


I am going to subscribe star but keeping this page, will add details about that later


hah that sounds hot actually, the SAO thing truly is a blessing and I certainly don't mind more. Want to explain to me more about the slave crests and how you'd like this TG to be done?

William Li

I got a couple. - I've been thinking about an Agent 47 TG, the main idea being that he's been implanted with technology that would further aid in his disguising. He dons on an outfit made for a woman-could be a suit or something more girly like a maid dress-and he starts changing to fit the disguise better. I got reference pics ready for that. - More Student Transfer TGs are always welcome. - If you're okay with Vtuber TGs, I've been thinking of Selen Tatsuki and Elira Pandora. Or more specifically, their pets, Ember and Pikl, TGing into them. - Let's go for broke, Transformers TG. I'm more familiar with Cybertron/Galaxy Force so I'd be down for one of those guys being TGed into Lori lmao. Of course, since the comics do the holomatter forms we can work with that as well. I'll add more as they come to my head. Hope this isn't too much.


I wonder if Vtuber TG would be ok? I mean I did Gura but they are so big they probably won't notice right? As for ST I have something great coming up already, but if you have some fun ideas I am all ears on that. I am not sure about transformers since a lot of the people I talk to don't seem to like drawing that, agent 47 could be interesting though I know nothing of it


I think we're always down for more Student Transfer content. Plus I think that more Quintuplets would be good


Hah I see that Nino thing left quite an impression for you, I'll look into doing that, but if you have ideas on how it should be done I am all ears. Same goes for ST


Ηm, a new idea for TG art could be Danganronpa. I don't know if others would agree though (P.S I second the Quintuplets comment)


I don't see anything wrong with Danganronpa at all, I in fact think that Junko is hot and whatever transformation involving her would be quite worthwhile. If you have details please let me know


Black lagoon rock to revy would be pretty cool to see 🤷🏻‍♂️


Possible look into Kobayashi's Dragon Maid? Possibly transforming Takiya or Fafnir into one of the other girls (though I will admit that this may be kind of a decent idea only)


Reincarnated as Slime Isekai mc tg series might be satisfying, I know Rimuru is genderless but do kept himself look like a trap looking body so you can just assume he has male genitals for the tg tf contents, would be nice to make the concept similar like genshin or dragalia mc to be addicted transforming into others around them so basically the story since rimuru is a slime he can shapeshift into every harem around him like milim, shua, shinon.etc like the first time he gain his human form he tested his female and manly looks on his slime clones but too embarrassed to take that form but you can come up with an alternate story where he is more like curious and interested to transform himself into his female form which is the origin where he start testing transformations to the other girls, also this series starts to be trending again because it has its own gacha game and some collab with other gacha game


I think a persona 5 tg would be good, maybe Joker into Makoto?

Jesse Raines

Could have a fun Naruto based comic, where Jiraiya comes up with a transformation jutsu that works on other people. So he turns Naruto, Sasuke, and Kakashi into women for his "research" . Only for them to be joined by Hinata, Sakura and Ino in having a big lesbian orgy, while locking Jiraiya himself out so he can't see it lol Other ideas would be Kisuke from Bleach turning into Yorouichi via his bankai's remoeling ability. Or one where Leon from Resident Evil, gets infected by the new "TG" virus which turns him into a sexy lady instead of a zombie lol I got plenty more ideas, but I don't make this too long lol


Would love to see a something like a Valkyria Chronicles multiple transformation. Say Welkin getting his hands on a mysterious weapon & transforming into many of the cast from the game. There's such a wide variety of girls (and guys) to choose from across all 5 games. As mentioned before VTuber TGs would be awesome (you're welcome to use mine lol) I thought about one where, the guy is given a choice about which seat in the council they'd want to be on so end up turning into each one of the members of council.

Ruyxi Sylpheyes

How about a young witch who wants to have fun at the beach with her Best friend (who has a lesbian crush on her but the witch doesn't know it), who turns another person into her doppelganger with their original personality, telling them they'll turn them back after they get back from the beach so her mistress doesn't realize she's not doing her studies. Well then that newly transformed person then turns another into a doppelganger and does the same thing and so on, pretending to be the original who knows how to turn them back. This goes on infinitum. Meanwhile at the beach the best friend is happy that her friend was able to show up at the beach after all, but then gets confused when she keeps seeing her witchy friend all over the beach, every time in a different bikini and with a different personality. By the end of the day she has dozens of copies of her friend all in skimpy bikinis, all unaware of her attraction and all over the beach tempting her until she can't stand it anymore. Fast forward and the final scene is the Best friend and her veritable hoard of doppelgangers of the witch all undressed and tired out, the one that actually stayed at home and did as she was told upset and yelling in the background. Before the apprentice witch turns all the doppelgangers back the witch friend asks if she's always felt like this and then offers to try this again only with dozens of people turned into clones of her instead. Bit much but the idea requires a bit of setup to get across. I left the names empty incase you want to fit this idea in with a specific pair of characters like from kill la kill or some OCs. You could use this idea for tons of different characters, someone in overwatch is tired of playing guard duty, etc.


Thanks for all your ideas guys, I am a little busy at this time but I will be sure to read all your things and try to implement them with the new artists I am still reviewing


Have two ideas: 1. That alien Space Jam transformation but they accidentally stole talent from the cheerleaders by mistake. 2. Guy into were-giant. Has tg, giantess, and (if it's graphical with the transformation) were-creature. I figured it checks multiple boxes, so yeah. Could be good with the right artist.

Enderzone 2002

1 Hiro twinning into zero two 2 Ahri League of legends 3 Arata in to Lilith (trinity seven)


how could I forget Ahri, always been meaning to do her at some point, any interesting champs you think would be good for the male part?


Valkyria Chronicles will always be a game I regret having in my backlog, would've been nice to have played it to know

Enderzone 2002

Ooo I just finish arcane but not of them see if it was Akali I would say Shen maybe Sett


How about some more Disgaea? Laharl into Etna, for example. Panty & Stocking TF would also be great


You know, I have never actually know why I hadn't done Laharl into Etna because that would be hot. I think I will put that into plan, let me know if you have anything else


It was the game that got me into JRPGs so it has a special place in my heart. Would highly recommend the series to you ^-^ Even if its just for the beautiful artwork. Another series I'd recommend is Danganronpa, only took me ten years to start the series but its so good!

Sussy Baka

Maybe something splatoon-related?(18+ of course)


Do you still need suggestions or are you good now?


Nice. My main want is a chuunibyou tg. (Sorry if you aren't familiar with the series.) For a basic one off I'd just yuuta into rikka (main characters). If you a plot maybe just something like rikka encouraging him to mimick her delusion by putting on her eye patch accidently triggering a transformation. If you wanted you could make it a multi part one going through all the main girls. Maybe start with him falling asleep on kumins pillow to trigger it making him realize he has the ability leading him to experiment with the others girls (rikka, dekomori, nibutani, shichimiya, etc how ever many you felt like doing). For another idea I've always liked the where it progresses by putting on their clothes. Like you put on a piece of clothing and it changes the corresponding body part to fit the clothing until you finish the outfit to finish the transformation. Not really a character specific thing works for anyone who has a decent outfit. Might be worth trying next time you don't really have a specific idea for someone to see if it's well received. Sorry btw for taking so long to respond I've been busy the last couple if days. Also if I have more ideas is this the most convenient place to post them for you?