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Hey guys,  today I'd like to ask everyone what they'd like to see for Pokemon (or similarly drawn anime)

As you all know, I managed to find a GREAT artist who is doing the Serena thing right now, their art style is perfect for Pokemon  and I am wondering if you guys want to see more of which drawn for different characters.

To participate, simply do it like you did before, make a comment with a suggestion (Male character to female character) and WHAT causes them to transform. Afterwards, heart the comments you like and the ones with the most heart will be worked on as the next project

This project will take a little while to complete, and is separate from the previous event (Ritsuka into Scathach is still in the works!)



Not a similarly drawn anime, however would like to see tg transformations for senran kagura characters. Especially with a character named daidōji. The reason of the tg tf can be that a guy wears daidōji's hat and becomes her.

Noah Flynn

Possibly Ash turning into Jessie via a cracked Master ball he finds? I remember there was an old comic where this happened.


Yugi (Yugioh) completes the Millennium Puzzle, but instead of Yami Yugi, he becomes Nitocris (Fate). Would be fun to see Yugi's wild hair fall into straight, single color locks. Could also include a gag panel at the end where Yugi "powers down" into his normal self, but for some reason /is still a girl/has purple hair/is still wearing Nitocris's outfit/.


In terms of Pokemon, something out of the ordinary like a Gym Leader Fantina TG might be fun. She has such ridiculous hair and distinctive outfit it might be interesting to see. There's many Dawn, May, and Serena TGs floating around so something more exotic might be cool. But I digress.

Gustavo Tani

Your random average joe going into a haunted mansion, where Boos play a prank a by going into his body till he is transformed into a cute boosette, the boos fusing with his body turning it into extra soft.


Will this sequence get release soon here before the group project is closed, its hard for me to decide without seeing the full art to know how the full artstyle looks like, is it strictly pokemon art style or is the artist able to create variations of different anime art styles?

Brendan Theriault

ash into dawn.. . the method how.. hmm... he tries on dawns hat but the hat is cursed! idk i just wanna see ash into dawn :P


Hahah, you know I swear most of you guys probably know fate more than anything else. I also find the idea hot. If I do end up doing this I'll probably end up giving her the yami yugi look with the cape coat and belt


I am thinking about doing it sometimes this month yah, after the stories we are doing gets finished


honestly, I am thinking about Ash into Dawn myself too. Maybe I should contribute something of my own, though I've already done 2 with Dawn (will be showcased later, but not from this artist)


Maybe a tf of the new trainer into that milf gym leader or the new professor? I can’t remember names. Transforming by some kind of machine like the one bill uses to become Pokémon in the first one?


Brock to Officer Jenny. Can't believe no one has requested this. XD


As Bede collects Wishing Stars for Chairman Rose, he wishes he could become closer to Chairman Rose, and the Wishing Stone turns him into Oleana. Alternatively, Bede or another character picks up a Wishing Star and wishes to be a Gym Leader, and they become Bea or Nessa? Lots of possibilities.


Must be Melony or Hex Manic