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Hey folks, I managed to find a rather good artist and they work with a pretty decent pace, and should be ready by next month. Since Ash into Serena is popular I have decided to ask them to make a HD remake of it.

I'm not sure to categorize it as a $5 or $10 thing though, as it is VERY EXPLICIT, I assure you they are 18+ just like all the other characters I have depicted in all my previous works, but I'd like everyone to be happy and not upset.

Feel free to comment below



Is this transformation gonna be more detail with ash pp gone sequence included or rushed like the original? XD


I dont really mind tho if this is gonna be on 5$ or 10$ since this is all fantasy like you said so I dont really mind about age char and tbh I feel like the difference with 5$ has very less content while 10$ has more amount of content obviously because its mixed together with 5$ stuff and drafts and I also felt like the art from 10$ stuff has more higher budget than 5$ instead of age char limitations reasons most of the time

Brendan Theriault

ok i cant wait for this! as for if it should be 5 or 10... im not entirely sure tbh.

Jacob S Blaustein

So is it almost ready? Also put it under $5


It's about half done, I need to first correct any errors for it. It'll definitely be featured right after the Cleo story


What's the difference between the $5 and $10 slots again? There's plenty of explicit stuff in the $5 gallery already. Just confuses me that there could be some stuff too hot for $5. How much more explicit can a TG transformation get?


It's just the idea that some characters appear younger than others, of course they are all 18+ but I've receive complaints about smaller girls in the past and that's how the $10 tier came to be. Originally though, all the $5 stuff were on the patreon proper but then the whole patreon hates anime thing came about so now everything is off in it's own drives. It's more of a precautionary matter