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The second of the Weregirls series, featuring Serena from Pokemon. I chose Serena for this role due to that one episode where Serena switched clothes with Ash, I thought that was actually really hot.

After some thinking I decided to make a spin on it and ended up with Ash turning into Serena at the sight of a full moon due to that a sample I've seen from another episode where Serena gets mind controlled by Malamor, that was also very hot.

I also included Ash into May and another thing of Ash into Serena, that 2nd Serena thing was more of a beta (created before Were-Serena) where he took a "Serena Drug" and turns into her, didn't work out as well as the Were-Serena thing, but if we instead think of the 2nd page as a continuation of that, that might actually be kinda hot...so I decided to change the order accordingly.

Let me know what you think


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There is no serena sequence

Bayley Peters

why doesnt this work anymore?