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Hey everyone~! Figured I'd give an update on what's going on in my life as well as the animation progress and such~!

Currently I'm in a lot of physical pain, unsure of how it happened by my lower back is giving me a lot of problems suddenly, out of the blue, I may have to see a doctor about it or something, either way it's very painful and distracting, has been affecting my mood as well~

I really hate to delay this Roxanne animation some more, but I might have to if I am unable to focus on working on it~

I genuinely wish I could focus on this and continue on to my next project, not being able to progress has been a source of stress for me, among other things, but I just figured I'd give a heads up in case it gets delayed again~

I'm glad you guys liked the last animation I released, the lofi kitty booty one, I'm thinking about my next short animation, I already have plans for several longer animations coming up too~

Here are some little renders of the scene so far, caked up Roxanne and a very curious Chica watching~♥



first your health and then comes everything else so take care and all the time you need


Take care of yourself! Health first!