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Hey everyone~! I'm still hard at work on the Marrubi-bun animation I teased last week~♥

I have a bit of an idea that I may have touched on in the past about how I want to continue with my animations, especially since I'm still sort of suffering from this artist block that's preventing me from really putting in as much work as I want to on a weekly basis~♥

Buut first I'll give another teaser of the new animation~!

A nice big booty pic~ hehe~!♥

The animation is coming along nicely, though I think in order for me to be happy with it, I may need another week (or two) to work on it~!

But that being said, here's my idea that I'm going to propose~!

So, I find myself having difficulties keeping up with doing back to back long animations, especially since I like a bit of variety~

Doing longer themed animations is great, and I am happy to, I want to produce more lengthy stuff, but occasionally I need a break from that, and so I was thinking, I can keep producing the content at a rate I normally do (once or twice a month for longer, multi-scene animations) but instead of kind of rushing myself, I'll pace it in a way that's over the course of the month, if that makes sense~?

Like how this month is going, sort of~!

But, in addition to that, I can release some simple loops like how I started off~! Shorter, 30 second animations that can be looped with more variety~♥

That way, every month, I might have a longer animation, but also a few smaller ones as well~

This is pretty much a long winded way of saying that I plan on doing simple animations during the month, with at least one longer animation releasing each month as well~!

Things I can kind of work on at the same time, instead of waiting on one project to finish and then moving on~♥

Anyway I hope you like the bunny butt~ ;)



I hate loopers so I mostly follow long animation creators who post nothing for months and than release a masterpiece long animation.


I say you take the time you need dn´t need to push ypurself only thinking you need to make a cuota of animations every week, all your ideas going to take time and effort to make them the you like if i need to wait a month for it is worth it no matter what so yeah take all the time you need also thank you for let us know 😊


I've never wanted to eat a rabbits ass more than I do now... No im not weird, YOU ARE!