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I made my body relax and after taking in my surroundings I slowly walked towards the coming laser grid and as they came closer I dashed forward and then kicked off the right wall sending my body to the left. But as I was in the air I curled my body up so I was laying flat in the air as the lasers quickly passed my form and then I rolled in the air to land back on my feet.

Even as I landed, I made sure that I landed at an angle so I could sprint forward with my feet cracking the marble beneath my feet as the powerful muscles in my legs pulsed with their corded might.

Another laser grid was shot at me but instead of leaving an opening in the top section bottom was open so I slid under that one and even as I got up another was shot at me and I couldn't help a scoff seeing the omni-directional laser grid that left no way out!

I took a deep breath and with all my momentum and strength I roared and then my fist smashed into the glass wall to the side and then I ripped out the plexiglass panel as I broke it on a seam and then I stepped into the gap between the complex laser array equipment and the killing lane so the laser beams just passed by me harmlessly.

"Well... That's one way of dealing with it." I heard Rino's dumbfounded voice say as I strolled out as it was clear that if she decided to keep the laser there I could just break her obviously stupidly expensive laser death hallway instead of just a single pane of plexiglass.

Pushing open the door at the end of the hallway with no more lasers coming for me. The first thing I saw was my master Shigure sitting on a large loveseat with her arms folded under her large chest and seeing me take in the room without fully stepping into it, she nodded saying. "Good job. I would have broken the laser emitters though. But Rino is your client so that would have made her mad."

A cough rang out and I looked over at my client who walked out of a side room that had a large safe door of all things that blocked it off from the main living room.

And as my eyes met Kurayoshi Rino's soft violet eyes that was only a few shades off from her darker violet hair... My dick twitched as a cloying scent entered my nose and I could feel my body temperature rising as my stance unconsciously softened at seeing her.

But then I felt it. I felt in my very blood something awakening before with a jolt I felt something like pure ice enter my veins with my mind clearing and my tainted vision was restored.

And as I met her eyes again she looked utterly dumbfounded as she looked into my clear blue eyes with her asking in wonder. "Wait... Are you gay!?"

There was a long pause as even my master's face went still along with my mind going flat and I snapped out in exasperation. "No! I am very much not gay at all. I am just not a simp who falls in love instantly."

Rino's head tilted to the side as she looked at me in honest confusion as she spoke with that clear confusion in her tone. "But... I could see your body language as my hormones messed with your mind and body? How did you get past them?"

Taking a deep breath I smiled and said with complete honesty. "My master Shigure has thoroughly taught me that beautiful women are more dangerous than any master martial artist. So you cannot touch my mind and body as my body knows you are a threat to myself!"

Kurayoshi Rino closed her eyes for a long moment before she shook her head with a smile crossing her face as she looked at Shigure as she walked over to the couch next to the loveseat Shigure was sitting within.

"My old friend, where did you find this lovely gem? He looks like one of my models with his blond hair and it almost is a waste for him to be fighting in Kengan matches... I would certainly make more money using him in advertisements or making an Onlyfans for him and directing his videos and content." Rino teased my master and my face twitched hearing her.

'Oh god... The Gold Pleasure Group is actually an escort service along with selling marital aids and other sexual stuff. Shigure! You sold me out to a damn pimp!' I mentally screamed while I tried not to facepalm as Shigure said in her typical blunt manner.

"Jake... He joined Ryouzonpaku for body training and seeing the martial art he was already practicing I made him my apprentice and took him out for his first Kengan match a couple of weeks ago that he won."

Out of all that Rino picked up an interesting bit as she sighed and looked at her friend with exasperation as she demanded. "You didn't even ask him to become your disciple formally did you?"

To which Shigure actually smiled and while looking at her friend she answered frankly. "His name is Jake Bariss... But in reality, he is also a Furunji, I dare not take the Grandmaster's bloodline and say I am above it as it's master."

Rino's face went still before she looked at me and then a small flush entered her cheeks as she spoke uncertainly. "Wait... He is Saiga's son?" At Shigure's nod Rino's face went pale as she whispered. "Oh dear... A number of companies will literally order Kengan matches just to get his blood samples or even the right to have a semen sample for him to say nothing of the female martial artists that will do something stupid! Wait... I heard you fighting with the Widow Kafka, was that about him?!"

Without giving any information Shigure just nodded and said flatly. "Yup. She did something she shouldn't have done to him." And I could see the cogs turning in Rino's head as she imagined some sordid affair of the older stronger martial artist taking advantage of me and tying me up in her infamous web of razor wire...

I took a breath and spoke out with a small flush entering my cheeks as this was just entirely too fucking weird for a job interview what with the laser wall I had to get through, the possible mind control, and of course, discussing the possibility of a beautiful older woman trying to take advantage of me.

"So! What do I need to sign, and of course... Who will I be fighting?" I asked trying to get us back on track.

For a second Rino stared at me before she giggled with her large chest that was rather exposed with her wide opening in the top of her dress jiggling heartily. "Oh there is no paperwork to sign Jake, you are my fighter and that's that. I will pay you handsomely after each fight and that is the extent and complications of our relationship." She then reached forward and then I watched her take a dainty bite out of a peach with her bright red lips glistening with the juices from the peach.

Once she finished the bite she continued with her waving the peach in my direction. "As for a fight... Yes, I do have a possible Kengan match ready for you darling. I have a deal with Trojan Condoms to possibly trade off a rubber production plant here in Japan with them offering a smaller factory over in America that will open up the Gold Pleasure Group expanding in America and getting passed a lot of red tape."

After explaining... I obviously only had one thing left to ask. "When is the fight?"