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Sitting within a five-pointed star with each point filled with a certain element I began the ritual that would hypnotize me into uncovering my own Element and Origin so that I would know what I was at my core.

Thankfully the ritual itself wasn't inherently dangerous unless you used the ritual in a completely wrong way to summon something instead of looking inward. But with a good chunk of my remaining funds spent in acquiring the materials for the ritual I began the process.

Lighting the candle, symbolizing the element of Fire, I said "I invoke the flame, the spark of creation." The gently flickering candle turned purple and grew from a finger-sized flame to more than double its normal size.

Taking a deep breath I exhaled slowly as I waved the feathers in my hand, which symbolized the element of Air, and said "I invoke the winds of change, the void of emptiness." On the next point beside the burning candle, a gentle tornado of orange wind formed that seemingly slowly spun in while locked almost in place.

Fire devours air and air feeds the next element.

Putting down the bundle of Magical Beast feathers I dipped my hand into a pool of water that even inside a dark room lit only by the purple flame of the element of fire, had a moon's glowing image peering out from it and I spoke. "I invoke the flow of emotions, the essence of life itself."

The lunar blessed waters glowed ever brighter even if gently. While I also felt the water almost tickling and whispering into my ears as the sounds of rushing waves hit my ears along with mad whispers.

The waters being fed by tiny rain clouds that leaked from the essence of the wind seemed almost reluctant to let my hand go and in turn as I pulled my hand out from the large bowl, my hand came out completely dry as the waters of life let me go to as that hand then sunk into the last primary element.

Simple loamy earth that was dark with life and filled with plenty of nutrients that could support good crop growth. " "I invoke the stability of the earth, the foundation of all." I spoke and the Earth hardened into rock in response making my lips twitch at the violent reaction in denial from the element itself.

Turning to the last of the elements pulling my hand out of the crumbling rock I picked up a pure beautiful quartz and chanted out. "I invoke the Ether, the mystery and magic of the unknown, all things in the infinite cosmos, and the interconnectedness of all things."

And in response two swirling orbs of red and blue formed that began swimming around inside the clear interior of the high-quality quartz and as I watched it, I saw the red and blue ever so briefly connect. And as purple light hit my eyes my mind went into a mental fugue state.

Even with my mind being smothered by the ritual my Six Eyes enhanced consciousness remained clear and as I looked around in my 'vision' gifted by the elements as my soul was pulled back and forth between the five main elements I clearly saw what I was drawn towards.

'My element is Space which is an offshoot of Ether and Air. And my origin is...' I pondered as I saw the infinite void between my soul and my body as my consciousness was drawn out by the ritual and then I felt a hint of amusement as I understood. 'And my origin is the concept of Limitless!'

A gut-wrenching feeling hit my body at comprehending the core of my own being. The essence of who I truly was. I was a being of limitless in all things, my entire existence would be lived by the concept of Limitless and colored by my element of Space.

My eyes opened and in my moments of introspection I came to a minor form of enlightenment I held up a hand and my room and the lights coming from the ritual items around me were snuffed out as within my hand were two balls of light spinning around one another.

One a bright blue, and the other a dark red. The blue orb was the compressed spatial essence of attraction and the red one was the conceptual force of repulsion.

"So this what Gojo felt like when he awakened his Six Eyes and everything just became so clear to him." I whispered as I could feel the spatial energy residing in myself and in the air like it was just flexing a muscle I didn't know of.

I clenched my hands closed and those balls turned a violent purple that would scream danger to someone else's senses but my field of Limitless just compressed and deleted the spatial storm that was waiting to erupt.

After a long moment of staring into the nothingness of darkness in my room I got up and then after turning on the lights and cleaned up the ritual in silence. I took a breath and smiled as realizing who and what I was gave me a stronger set of purpose.

"I need money now." I muttered as magical reagents were... Prohibitively expensive to say the least as I had spent almost all the money that I got for living expenses that came with my bag when I reincarnated.

And of course, if I wanted to continue my magical research in peace in quiet I needed funds but I really... Really didn't want to do anything outlandish that could get myself a Sealing Designation or something that would lead to myself being harvested for materials to be studied.

So that left me with two options that I could see that I could use to make a good deal of money in a relatively quick fashion. First I could break into the Spiritual Tomb of Albion and use its dungeon aspects of magical/demonic beasts forming within it. I could kill the monsters within and harvest them for extremely valuable materials.

But that was, very dangerous and highly fucking illegal as the Mages Association treated the Tomb as their most vital resource for it fueling the Mage Association with the damn near infinite mana leaking from Albion's corpse. So I would need to sneak in and out of the Tomb through one of the secret entrances/exits and not get killed by the mages within the tomb that would want to rob me or punish me for entering within a permit.

And on the otherside... I join the Enforcers, and more particularly I join the more dangerous hunts in going after Dead Apostles and other monsters.

My lips twitched as I considered my options before I shrugged and I stood up and said. "Well... I would love to see someone trying to steal one of Barthomeloi Iorelei's hunters who help her kill abominable Dead Apostles haha!" I laughed as I imagined some poor dumbass who got the memo from some high lord who wanted to study my eyes getting a demand for me to be given a Sealing Designation and having to go tell the Vice Director that she...

Yeah, that poor bastard would probably just flee Britain and the Mages Association.



The six eyes need to be awakened? Aren’t they fully functional from birth or something?

James Green

I just reread the chapter and I just realized...Jake's origin implies that he has no limit if you go by Nasuverse conceptual bs, so how does that affect his Magecraft, potential and otherwise? Or is it just cuz he's a Gojo and there were no deeper thoughts into what this would do for him?

Daniel Foley

He wasn't born, and there's no curse energy here, so I assume the Six Eyes are only partially unlocked, and needed to be fully awakened to gain access to the red and blue orbs. This is just my interpretation, whether I'm right or not I'm not sure.